Chapter 60: The Drug Side Effects “Aahh! My nose!” A loud scream escaped Hailey’s lips, her hands trembling as she tried to put her nose back into place. “How-how are you?”

“I paid ten grand for this!” Tears stung her eyes, feeling blood drip down from her nose.

“What?” Kate asked back, her eyes burning through Hailey’s frame. “What a lousy nose job!”

Hailey appeared to be contemplating. Her whole persona changed from being exasperated to acting pitiful in a second. She fell to the floor and shifted her gaze to The Devil. Hailey said while sobbing,” Carlos, can’t you see what kind of woman Kate is? She is violent! Look what she did to me?”

“The only reason she punched you is because of what you have done to us, even from the past, Hailey! We have had enough,” Carlos declared. “Make a statement about the video and let the world know it was not me! Or else, I’ll sue you for damages, and you’ll have nothing left to feed your comfortable life, Hailey!”

“No!” She answered while getting up on her feet. Then she negotiated, “I will only talk about the video publicly if you stay with me for a week.” She whimpered, pinching her nose to stop the bleeding. “Please, stay with me, Carlos. I need you. Don’t you feel even an ounce of pity for me?”

“Are you out of your mind, Hailey? Carlos will do no such thing! He is mine!” Kate was about ready to slap Hailey and pull all the strands in her hair, but Carlos held her waist.

“Enough, Kate. Don’t dirty your hands any further,” Carlos said. He turned to Hailey and demanded, “You are going to do this, Hailey, or more problems will come your way!”

That was right. Hailey internally acknowledged this. She did not expect the Wrights to support Carlos and retaliate by calling them out. She was sure she would have difficulty getting a modeling job from now on. Her father would also have fewer clients due to her actions. However, she was already in it too deep, and all she had left was the video. Hailey knew she needed to play her cards right.

Hailey did not plan to go public with the video at first, but after she received a report from a friend, she learned about Carlos and Kate modeling together. Another friend of hers belonged to the elites in Braeton City, and that same friend received an invitation for RonaldoPlus membership. Her friend sent her the photos of the new brand, ultimately giving the answers to her suspicion. What were the chances that they were already together? Knowing how Carlos loved Kate, she knew it was likely the case.

Listening to Carlos’ threats, Hailey laughed. She countered, “How? I did nothing wrong in the video, Carlos. I never said it was you! Everyone assumed it all. Haha! You can’t sue me for taking a video in one of my one-night stands in Paris.”

“But you said he is tired from all the tennis playing!” Kate countered.

“So? Anybody can play tennis!” Hailey opposed while her hands landed on her waist. “You don’t have anything on me against the video, and it will remain to cultivate doubt in Carlos’ reputation!”

Carlos and Kate were taken aback. They realize that Hailey was right.

if you stay with me for one week, Carlos, then. I’ll tell

said, “We will not retract anything, and I am not staying with you. The simple sight of you repulses me! Besides, I doubt if you will ever do

morapa din zon


Kate softly asked, “What are we

have to tell the truth for me,” Carlos said. “In any case,

will still talk about it. Haven’t you seen

“It won’t ruin my

it certainly won’t stop

on the juice on top of the corner table. He said, “And you even dared to attempt

at the maid. “What did

arrested for drug possession. She heard Hailey and her father argue about having attempted to drug Carlos. Having known

walked over to the juice pitcher and served Hailey a glass. She ordered,” Then! Drink

it was meant to do harm! Why won’t

without Carlos!” Haily shot back, pushing the glass away

supplement tested and, if proven, that it is an illegal drug,” Carlos said. “This time around, the judge won’t be so

spoke, the police officers walked in. Carlos had called detective Baker earlier, right after the maid reported Hailey’s plans. They came, ready

the capsule from the maid. When she realized she was bound to get locked up again, she claimed, “Go ahead! I will just get another possession charge. Especially since no one

attraction, one gets overly captivated. In case of sorrow, one gets overly sentimental.” The police looked

and remarked, “It would have been a really wild

It horrified her at the thought of Hailey trying to get inside Carlos’ pants. Had the maid not reported Hailey’s intention, would Carlos have drunk the juice? If she were not around, would Hailey be able to trick Carlos into drinking

than that, but the image of Hailey touching Carlos clouded her mind, and she was enraged! Kate said, “She –

and arms.

Kate called, looking up at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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