Chapter 16 His Admirers

The whimpers of the dog pulled Annabel's attention away from the familiar woman. She rushed it to the vet.

Its front leg had been hit by the car before she got it out of the way.

As Annabel waited in the waiting room, she saw from the clock that she was almost running late for work.

She thought for a while before dialing Rupert's number.

"What's up?" Rupert's low and cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ermm. I just called to inform you that something came up. I'll be some hours late this morning." Annabel asked for permission for late coming. “And how is that my business? You don't have to inform me about such a trifle!" Rupert uttered irritably.

The next second, the call was disconnected.

Annabel pursed her lips. She wondered why he was behaving indifferent, yet so angry. Perhaps he was still not in a good mood.

Anyway, she had done her part by informing him. The vet examined the dog carefully and reported that it was just a small wound that would heal in no time.

"Oh, that's good to know, but can it be admitted here for further observation?" Annabel was still a little worried.

the veterinarian with

without the dog. She planned to find someone to adopt it once

any idea what time it is? Why did you arrive so late?" Nina approached Annabel with a deep frown, not even

wasn't intentional. I had something to deal with this morning," Annabel

are just a newbie, but you are already skipping work. Are you doing this because you already consider yourself as the boss's wife?" Despite her irritation, Annabel uttered calmly, "Let me get this straight. I'm late, not absent from work. Besides, I already applied for permission for late coming, so I'm not in the wrong

Sensing that the

gathered, she stuttered, "You are taking nonsense. Let's go to Mr. Benton's office so he

go." Annabel readily

for how she made her stay at work overtime last

and clothes and looked at herself in the glass nearby before

lot just to save the stray dog earlier. Her neat suit was wrinkled, and there was a mud stain on her shirt


had a

happenedto be Rupert'snominal

wonder Nina regarded her as a thorn


smile got more enchanting as soon as she heard Rupert's attractive voice. She

froze the second she got into the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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