Chapter 176

Estrella sighed, her voice edged with impatiende, “I’m not pregnant.”

And she thought to herself. “Even if I was, it wouldn’t be yours.”

Jason, ever the calm in the storm, said gently, “Let’s get you checked out, and we’ll know for sure.” He added, “I haven’t been with any other woman, and I won’t be. Just do as I say and get checked. If it turns out you are pregnant, there are things we’ll need to focus on.” The more Estrella denied it, the more Jason was convinced she was indeed expecting. “You have your life, and I have mine,” she remarked nonchalantly.

Seeing that she was still miffed, Jason tried to soothe her, “I promise, no more Holly. I won’t have anything to do with her.”

Estrella’s alarm bells went off. Why was he making promises she hadn’t asked for? All he needed to do was finalize the divorce. She raised her hand to stop him, “Hold up, don’t try to butter me up with sweet nothings. You can’t even sort out your issues with Serene, and you’re here talking about Holly?”

Before Jason could respond, Estrella unbuckled her seatbelt, “So, if the test is negative, you’ll come with me to file the papers?”

“Let’s get the test done first,” Jason replied.

As Estrella stepped out of the car, she stumbled slightly but Jason, with his quick reflexes, caught her arm and steadied her. After straightening her clothes, Estrella glanced at him and continued walking with her back straight.

Jason followed, chuckling, “Feeling guilty?”

“Just go up and check,” she retorted.

but wrap his arm around her, just like old times. Estrella elbowed him hard, causing him to wince, “Are you out of your mind? If you damage my penis, you’re the one who

on, what do I have to lose?” Estrella quipped back, as Jason pulled her

Estrella was ushered to see the deputy director for her tests.

a smile playing on his lips. She had grown up so fast, ready to take on the world, maybe

his worries,

Lee had her results, “Mr. Jason,

based on his connections to the Nelson family, trusted he results would

broke the news, She’s not

heart sank. “Dr. Lee, could there be a mistake?” he asked. Estrella was fertile, and hey hadn’t

accurate, suggesting a second opinion

his disappointment palpable, and Estrella rose

Estrella thought it was a good thing that she hadn’t told him about the pregnancy. She wasn’t about to let

ties to the hospital. Well she could do that

stared at Estrella, his gaze heavy with

replied, then teased, “You know, with my fertile nature,

her off, and she silenced herself as he started the car. His health was not an issue, and he had

up to a diner known for its brunches. He stepped out and returned with

the food and wrapping up her call.

then, Jason’s phone buzzed. Drew reported, “Mr. Jason, the Dorvolds won the big

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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