Chapter 218

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The pounding on the door jolted Estrella awake just as she had closed her eyes for the night.

“Who the hell is it?” Estrella grumbled, her irritation clear as her desire for sleep battled with the persistent knocking.

No sooner had her voice faded than the knocking resumed with renewed vigor. Estrella sighed, pushed herself out of bed, and without even bothering with shoes, went to answer the door. The moment Estrella swung the door open and locked eyes with Jason, any trace of drowsiness evaporated, replaced by a cool, distant facade.

Before she could get a word out, Jason cut to the chase, “You got Serene to drug me? You want to set me up with that cheating scandal?”

Originally filled with anger, he wanted to lash out at her, question her, but seeing her standing in front of him like this, thinking about the fall she took three years ago, and realizing that he and she could never go back, Jason suddenly couldn’t muster the He just calmly sought confirmation from her. anger.

Estrella met his gaze, and with a dismissive tone, she said, “Yeah, that happened.”

Her blunt admission sent a stab of pain through Jason’s heart. He had clung to a sliver of hope that perhaps Serene was meddling, but Estrella’s acknowledgment dashed it all.

Jason, hands still casually in his pockets, stared at Estrella for a long moment, turned away in silence, and then faced her again.

Unlike in the past when he would vent his anger on her, argue about right and wrong, or blame her for going too far, Jason just looked at her and said, “I promise you, when we go back, I’ll go through the formalities with you.

Whether it was out of spite or sheer exhaustion, Jason was tired of holding on. Even when he had discovered Estrella was pregnant, he hadn’t thought of giving up. He’d always made excuses for her in his mind, telling himself she was just being obstinate because she was angry with him for past neglects, just like that fire seven years ago.

But Jason couldn’t stomach the thought of her pushing him into the arms of another woman, and he couldn’t accept that she had Serene drug him.

In that moment, he felt a chill of disillusionment and an acute sense of loss, realizing how much Estrella despised him, and how desperately she wanted to be free of their relationship.

was beyond his reach. She always told him



son called out her name. She looked at him,

and simply added, Have a good night.”

too,” she

lingered for a moment, then turned and silently made his

figure, Estrella felt a sudden pang of empathy for his seeming solitude and desolation. As Jason rounded the corner and vanished from sight, she closed her door and leaned against it, exhaling deeply. She gazed out the suite’s floor-to-ceiling windows, her thoughts drifting to the phone call she had received from Serene just

sure you want to divorce Jason? Do you really want

replied, “If you can help, I won’t

divorce, when Jason comes to have any compassion left, don’t want to be falsely accused, and don’t want to


Stay with Jason, live your lives together, because deep down you still love him,


the cleverest, most adept at

also given her a chance to choose again. She cou have denied everything when confronted by Jason, possibly leading to a different outcome. But in

the past, couldn’t bear the thought of him with someone else, and most crucially,

over. Everything was

own suite. Instead, he found himself on the hotel rooftop,

hair, but his demeanor eerily calm, as if

were finally

that as long as they obtained the marriage certificate, whether they loved or fought with each other, they

his fingers, Jason flinched, then snuffed out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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