Chapter 220

“Hey, Grayson,” Estrella answered the phone with familiar ease, knowing it was Grayson on the other end.

Grayson’s voice came through, tinged with concern, “You and Jason finalized the divorce?” News like that has a way of spreading even if Estrella and Jason hadn’t made a public affair of it. Their circle of friends, including Grayson, had caught wind of it.

Estrella chuckled lightly, “Word travels fast, huh?”

There was a pause before Grayson replied, his voice steady but gentle, “Look, just because you’re not husband and wife anymore doesn’t mean you can’t be friends. We’ve all known each other for over two decades, Estrella. Don’t stress yourself out.”

“I know, Grayson,” she reassured him.

Grayson switched gears, “By the way, the legal contract with my Corp is up for renewal. I was wondering if you’re up for taking on the company’s representation again?”

“Of course, I am. I’ll swing by tomorrow to discuss it with you,” Estrella replied eagerly.

“Sounds good.”

After a bit more shop talk, they ended the call.

Estrella placed her phone down and gazed at little Isaac, dozing peacefully beside her. Her spirits lifted even more at the sight. She couldn’t resist leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on her son’s chubby cheeks. The most gratifying part was seeing how well Isaac wa thriving since coming back home.

As her hand brushed Isaac’s forehead, he mumbled in his sleep, “Daddy.” The word hit Estrella hard. No matter how much she did, she could never fill that particular role. No matter how capable she was, she couldn’t transform into a man.

Watching Isaac murmur again, she playfully pinched his cheek, half-jokingly scolding, “You little brat, your mama went through hell to bring you into this world, and all you can think about is daddy?”

in his sleep. That kid sure knew how to

huffing as she settled onto the large bed next to his crib. All her efforts seemed in

Jesse, Jesse exploded upon hearing that Estrella had refused the shares Jason offered. “For god’s sake, do you have any idea what Nelson International is worth? After all those years of Jason being tight-fisted, he finally opens his wallet during the

a free lunch. I take those shares, and who knows

Jesse protested. “This is the reward for all the years you’ve endured.

but she quickly added,

of the shares, Bryce glanced at her and said, “My Ella just wants to cut ties clean. If

Ella? Estrella is no longer part

arrogance, “Even if I cut

earned him a thumbs-up from Jesse. “Impressive.”

Estrella. Clearly, Estrella was, without a doubt, the cornerstone of Bryce’s

laugh, “Bryce, you’re about to make my son cry with all

you’d be so moved you’d throw yourself at me.”

question is, would you


of a time Bryce claimed he couldn’t be attracted to Estrella even if she stripped naked, which had even

exasperated, “Come on, you are a mom already. And this little guy is right

Isaac and placing them in his bowl, “your think the

head, but seeing Estrella’s lively spirit reassured him. He had worried the divorce might have been a facade of indifference, but it was clear she remained as strong as

with joy. Bryce couldn’t help but beam with

“Dream on. I’m not

to him, peeling another

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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