Chapter 210

Kristin spoke with caution, “I saw Estrella at the department store this afternoon with her little boy. He’s not even two, and he calls her ‘mom’. He’s the spitting image of her.”

Throughout Kristin’s report, Jason just stared at her wordlessly.

Feeling his intense gaze, Kristin continued, “At first, I thought I might be mistaken, or that Estrella was pulling some kind of trick. But I watched them a little longer, and I swear, that child is a carbon copy of Estrella as a little girl.

“They say sons often resemble their mothers, and Estrella’s boy is living proof,” she added. “Later, I confronted Estrella about it, asking if the child was yours. She insisted he had nothing to do with you. She said she’s been gone from Ravenwood for three. years, hasn’t seen you in all that time, and the kid’s not even two. I’ve seen him too. He couldn’t be more than two at the most. So Jason, maybe it’s time to let go. Let Estrella go and free yourself too. It looks like you two just weren’t meant to be.”

Kristin had to admit, albeit reluctantly, that perhaps Estrella and Jason weren’t destined to be together.

Her words left Jason in a long, deep silence, his emotions indescribable, as if a thousand knives were taking turns stabbing at his heart, almost suffocating him.

Seeing Jason silent like this, with his hands trembling on his lap and even his hair shaking, Kristin’s heart ached. No matter what a jerk he was, he was still the son she had raised for 29 years.

Gently taking Jason’s hand, Kristin said, “Jason, maybe it’s time to move on. There’ll b someone out there for you.”

Jason ignored Kristin’s advice and stood up from the couch. “Mom, I’m going to head c You should get some rest.”

Kristin rose with him, “It’s almost nine. Where could you be going now? Stay home tonight.”

and continued towards

to see Estrella? Don’t fight with her. It’s over. The constant arguing has driven her away. It’s time to part on good terms,


the Nelson family’s mansion.

Jason’s entire body shook as he drove, the car trembling

had a child. She had really moved on.

the car seemed to crawl along the

pulled out his phone and called Estrella. In a cold, clear voice, he said, “I’m at your front

Estrella’s composed reply from the other end.

from the couch, and went outside. Estrella knew without asking that Jason was aware of Isaac’s existence and had come to confront her, likely about a divorce.

black Bentley. Approaching him, she said, “What is it? Just say. Without a word, Jason grabbed her arm and thrust

sure you want to talk about this


icily and reminded her, “Buckle up.” Normally, he would’ve leaned over and fastened it for her, but today, he was

Occasionally, Estrella glanced at Jason,

entered an apartment. Jason slammed

“Yes,” Estrella confirmed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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