Chapter 235

It’s often said that men who work seriously are the most charming, but in reality, women can be even more attractive when they are dedicated to their work.

“Hi Logan.” It was only when her phone buzzed next to her laptop that she realized Jason had stirred awake and was watching her with clear eyes.

“We just got a call from Glimmering Lake, two families are willing to come forward and testify.”

“Right, I’ll head over there tomorrow.”

After wrapping up the call with Logan, Estrella placed her phone down and walked over to greet Jason, “Awake, huh?” She then added, “Kristin had to leave for something urgent. Do you need anything right now?”

Need? Of course, he had needs, plenty of them, but she wasn’t the one to satisfy them.

Jason hoisted himself up a bit, grimacing with the effort. “Help me up, will you?” If it weren’t for the pressing need to hit the bathroom, he would’ve been content to rest indefinitely.

As Estrella bent down to assist him, Jason, mindful of her still-healing leg, eased off the pressure he was putting on her. Estrella glanced at him, and even though he didn’t say a word, she understood everything.

Moments later, as Jason stood in front of the porcelain throne working on his belt, Estrella leaned casually against the door frame. Kristin had tasked her with keeping an eye on Jason, and Estrella feared any accidents in the bathroom would be hard to explain.

of annoyance and amusement bubbled up. “Estrella,

her arms defensively. “You do your thing. I’ll mind my business. I’m not in your

Jason’s wound as he retorted, “How

frame, “Alright, alright, I won’t

set out a simple meal on the table. “Your wound is deep, so meals will be on the lighter side for a while. Bear

the chair Estrella had pulled out for him, but immediately sat bolt upright. The

as she

Jason tried to lift the spoon, his hands trembled, sweat beading at the nape of his

spoon from his grasp. She cooled the soup with gentle breaths before bringing it to his lips, much like she would

captivated by Estrella’s tenderness. Their eyes met, and realizing he wasn’t eating, Estrella snapped out of

retract the spoon, Jason opened his mouth and drank the soup. She paused,

housekeeper delivered dinner and left promptly,

his laughter bridging the gap between him and Jason, who

go home,

intensifying, Estrella fetched pain

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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