Chapter 243

Talk about a man with a plan. Mr. Jason was the king of schemes.

Estrella shot Jason a look that could only be described as pitying the hopelessly clueless. Upon noticing her incredulous expression, Jason leaped at the chance to demonstrate his loyalty. “Babe, I swear on everything that’s holy not a word I just said was a lie. If you don’t believe me, have your colleagues at the office run a check. I’m as broke as a church mouse.”

Drew, sensing an opportunity to chime in, quickly assured her, “Ms. Estrella, I personally put together those documents last night, and you have my word on that.”

Before Estrella could utter a response, Drew smoothly pulled the car over into a parking space, saying, “Ms. Estrella, we’re stuck in traffic anyway. How about we grab something to eat? I’m starving too.”

The duo’s tag-team act ultimately led Estrella to relent and step out of the car. Frankly, Estrella couldn’t care less if Jason ate or not, but Drew worked for Jason, and it wasn’t right to drag Drew into their personal affairs. Besides, Drew had been nothing but good to her over the years, so she decided to indulge him this once.

“Four orders of pancakes, two coffees, that’ll be $9.50. You can pay by cash or card.”

As the vendor handed over the pancakes and coffee, Jason turned to Estrella, clearly waiting for her to foot the bill. Estrella crossed her arms and didn’t show any intention of/ opening her wallet.

Meanwhile, Drew was busy devouring the pancakes, not giving a second thought to the matter of payment.

“Honey,” Jason called out to Estrella, signaling for her to pay.

Estrella glanced at Drew, and the moment their eyes met, Drew, who had been obliviously eating, suddenly realized he was expected to pay and took off running without another word.

As Drew sprinted away, he called back, “Oh, right, Ms. Estrella, I need to take those documents back to the office. I’ll head there now.”

that if he solved everything, he’d ruin Jason’s chance with Ms. Estrella. He couldn’t

by Drew’s hasty retreat. She regretted showing him any pity and

dash, became wary and asked, “That’ll be $9.50.

offered her his phone, “If you

his phone, nor did she seem inclined to pay. Instead, she addressed the vendor, “Do you hire workers here? This gentleman can work

off $9.50, she was

the joker.

the cheek to a lady. I assure you that your business

a picture of utter disbelief, and the pancake he was about to eat fell to the ground with a plop. That heartless, wicked woman, she

slammed the pancakes and coffee on the counter, snatched Estrella’s purse, took out her wallet

paying, he grabbed the remaining pancakes and coffee, and dragged Estrella back to the

they settled back into the Maybach, Jason said with a stern face, “Sell a pancake for a kiss, huh? You

there for me to mind?” Estrella retorted, “Isn’t spreading rumors your favorite hobby?

had he ever indulged in scandalous affairs Those were all

moment, Jason declared, “One peck for a pancake, right? Well, we had four orders, so that

pressing his lips firmly against hers. Estrella couldn’t push him away due to his assertiveness. So,

already sore spots,

was beyond arguing. She threw her phone at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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