A Beautiful Misunderstanding

Chapter 6 The Engagement Party Of Essie's Prince

His voice was low and it obviously hinted flirtation. For a second, Essie stood stunned. But slowly, his words began to sink in. She clearly understood what he was implying. And as a consequence, her face blushed crimson red. "Don't mention it. I have forgotten it," she said, trying to maintain her composure.

Zac's black eyes blinked, unable to believe she had forgotten it.

He remembered everything, clear as day! Every second, the scene played in his mind.

He woke up feeling hazy today. At first, his head felt unusually unclear, and he was unable to remember a thing! But soon, it began to fill up. Missing pieces of yesterday, came to his mind, one by one. He was a neat freak. No woman could touch him even if he was drunk. But when she was around, the defensive system seemed to be invaded by virus, breaking down instantly. To start with, she wasn't like any other woman he had come across. She was both beautiful and pure. Even her smell was intoxicating. At present, he couldn't control himself. He was curious and wanted to know what she thought of last night.

"Did you really forget everything?" He stared at her with utter disbelief. He had hoped she would remember something. He was certain some of the details would be missing, but knowing she forgot everything pained him. After all, it was her first time.

With her brows wrinkled in a straight line and her eyes filled with ferocity, Essie said, "I told you not to mention it again. You've ruined everything. We are incompatible in almost every way."

Zac wore a slight smile on his face. His first time

expected Zac to get angry, but he didn't. Instead, he merely stood, not saying anything at all. This was when she realized she had to hold back her anger. After the engagement party, they had to get a divorce

put on the honey waist dress that she designed, tied up her black hair and pulled it up into an elegant updo. Then she wore

a moment.

Although he was an able man with a handsome face and powerful aura, she thought it was vital to remind

his lips. This was

Hotel was beautifully

hall was

Hanson and Sunny had caused a sensation in the select society of Yang City, and almost all the rich and powerful

began to be glued to them, like a

The beauty of Essie was like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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