A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 165 Where Is the Baby’s Dad

In the Delivery Room.

"Who is the relative of this woman? Please come in to give her some support," said the doctor.

Emily let go of Jacob's hands and rushed forward to the doctor. "I'm her best friend. I'll go," said Emily.

"No," Jacob disagreed sullenly. However, Emily cared only about Rita at this moment, so despite his disapproval, she walked straight into the delivery room and shut the door.

Inside, Rita was lying on the bed and had already been woken up due to her labour pains. She had cold sweats all over, and her face had turned pale as a ghost.

"Rita…" said Emily, anxiously. Emily never had any experience with child birth, so she had no idea what to do. However, she calmed herself down and knelt down beside Rita's bed. Emily held Rita's hands tightly and encouraged her,"Come on. You can do it!"

Rita opened her eyes slowly, as she heard Emily's voice. "Emily. Ow!" she cried.

Rita cried so loud that it made Emily's heart tremble. However, in order not to make Rita feel frightened, Emily didn't show any signs of panic, instead she said,"Come on. Rita. You can do this!"

Rita bit her lips as hard as she could, as the pain was becoming overwhelmingly hard to endure. "Emily. Don't leave me alone here," Rita implored.

"It's all right, Rita. I'm here. Don't be afraid," assured Emily.

Another sharp pain swept through Rita's body. She howled again,"Ow!"

Rita's screaming reminded Emily of how Rose looked when she was lying on the bed just hours ago. They both suffered from great pain, except Rita was suffering from the pain of labour, while Rose, from the pain of induced labour.

By now, Rita's lips were starting to bleed because of how hard she bit them. Emily was so frightened, that she rolled up her sleeve and put her arm in front of Rita's mouth. "Rita, bite me when you feel the pain. Don't bite yourself," she said.

Rita was barely conscious, so she opened her mouth and bit as hard as she could.

with one hand and

a look of sullen resentment. He knew nothing about what

He forgot his duties to this pregnant woman, and left her for me to drive her to the hospital. Now my girl has to accompany her

reach him. He called David several times, but David didn't answer his calls. Agitated, Jacob was so angry at David that he wanted to smash his own phone. In the

baby crying


and the nurses, Emily was the first one to see Rita's newborn baby.

said. Emily didn't expect to feel so touched at that moment, but she couldn't stop the tears

tried to open her heavy eye-lids and asked,"Is it a boy or a

so cute!" Emily held Rita's baby to

and looked away with resentment.

say. 'No one should say something like that about

baby boy suddenly cried out loud, as if he understood what his mother had

however, was worn out, and she fell back to sleep as soon as she turned her head to the other side. Although Rita gave birth to this baby by natural labour, it was still very hard for her. Having seen the amount of pain Rita was going through, Emily suggested that the doctor give Rita a cesarean surgery. However, Rita had ordered the doctor to not give her a cesarean surgery unless her life was at risk. Therefore, Emily could do nothing

to pacify the crying baby, Thanks to the nurse who guided her, Emily was somehow able to stop the

nurses rolled Rita's bed out of the delivery room. When

and froze as soon as he saw Emily holding a baby in her arms. "This baby..."

in his mind that Emily was holding their

look," she said. Emily smiled from ear to ear.

baby in Emily arms, only to see a

didn't know what to say to that.

thing as Rita. Were they a couple?'

look like this," said Emily.

kid again carefully. He snorted and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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