A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 263

A Cue for Love chapter 263

Strip Her Of Her Defense

Susan pulled off the red silk covering her eyes and glanced at Natalie and Phoebe with a bitter expression.

Spotting Wyatt standing next to Samuel, the color drained from her face.

When did he get here? What should I do? He must’ve seen how I have lost!

As she gazed at Samuel worriedly, she realized that he was not looking in her direction. His eyes were fixed on Natalie instead!

I meant to humiliate her and take her down a peg, but look at what has happened… I’ve actually created the perfect opportunity for her to show off!

Susan bit her lip angrily, her eyes reddening as fury raged within her.

With that turn of events, only Natalie and Phoebe remained to identify the tenth wine.

were abuzz, split into two camps by their

have had much exposure to wines. It was only natural that she lost.

you can see that she has written her answers clearly without crossing anything out. She may be young, but she seems much more knowledgeable about wine than the two Leister

and Phoebe could vaguely make out what the

former’s expression remained as calm and

was causing her palms to sweat. Even if Natalie loses now, it won’t be embarrassing for her. But if I lose, I won’t just be embarrassing myself. I’ll also be humiliating the entire Leister family! I have to win the next round. I just

two glasses and hold them

times. As soon as Natalie and Phoebe smelled the aroma, their

felt that it smelt familiar but try as she might, she could not recall what type of red wine it was, let alone the location of production and

briefly before writing

not help chiding Hector inwardly

still had not picked up her pen

“Phoebe, do you have your

did not have a clue, Phoebe had no choice but

and wrote something else. She repeated the process a few times, unsure about her answer. In the end, she decided to go with her instinct and wrote her final answer, then passed it to the waiter standing next to her. It’s up to fate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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