A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 329

A Cue for Love chapter 329

Tame Like A Rabbit

Back in the private room, Joshua was sitting with his legs crossed as he waited for Christopher to return.

I’m here to celebrate Chris’ birthday, but now that that girl is drunk, he left me all alone and went after her. Joshua lamented the loneliness of not having a partner himself. But what am I expecting? It makes sense that she is everything Chris thinks about. After all, he’s just one step away from getting the girl.

Now that he had asked Jeremy and the others to go home first, he figured he would just settle the bill and leave too. But before he could even stand up from the couch, the door was swung open, and there stood Christopher.

He seemed to be in a foul mood.

Hmm? What’s going on now?

Joshua observed his friend’s facial expression and asked slowly, “You came back… alone?”

Christopher did not say a single word. His gloomy and downcast face was enough to tell what happened. He sank into the couch and started pouring himself a drink before taking a shot.

Scenes of what happened earlier flashed before him.

She behaved so distantly and cold when she was around him, but she totally changed when Samuel was around.

She was as tame as a rabbit when she was with him.

It turned out that Samuel and he were meant to be competitors—both at work and in private—but this was not enough to put off Christopher.

was challenged, he wanted to go

see you crumble beneath my feet, Samuel Bowers. I will

watched him. The latter sat beside him and

understand,” Christopher

Joshua looked at

flushed and his head dizzy from the shots, Christopher asked, “Why… Why don’t you

his friend, waiting for an answer. Joshua swallowed hard.

your nonsense before I throw you into the river and feed you

zipped his mouth

before reaching for the porcelain bottle Natalie left on the coffee table, but before he could touch it, Christopher had already

just wanted to take

break it? Can you afford to compensate

Compensate your loss?


understand his friend’s

she’s a witch. She has you under

back and drank liberally

finally done, Joshua helped him out of the VVIP private

against the door weakly, grunting

off, Yara, who was


she? She looks like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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