A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 387

A Cue for Love Chapter 387

Yara Gets Exposed

“That’s very difficult, Mommy!” Clayton protested from the side.

He didn’t want to learn medicine from Natalie because there were far too many things to memorize for herbal medicine and acupuncture. To make matters worse, there were no mnemonics to aid memorization. One would have to forcefully memorize everything and learn to apply their knowledge by themselves later on.

Natalie wasn’t surprised when she heard what Clayton said. “The Esoteric Medical Doctrine is just a classical piece of literature used for introduction to traditional medicine. If she finds this difficult, then I think she should just give up on studying medicine.”

“Mommy, are you making this difficult for Sophia on purpose so she’ll quit on her own?” Xavian chimed in as well.

“If you insist on seeing it that way, then there’s nothing I can do about it,” Natalie replied with a helpless shrug.

Suddenly, Sophia walked up to her and said with a determined look in her eyes, “I’m going to memorize this, and I will learn medicine from you.”

Natalie didn’t say anything and simply took a sip of her orange juice.

Sophia because there is no such thing as shortcuts when it comes to learning. If she can’t even handle a little suffering like this, then she isn’t worthy of me breaking

feet to the side as she slowly sobered

wash the smell of booze off her body before putting on the latest coat

her usual graceful appearance, Yara went downstairs and saw Thomas waiting for

didn’t you tell me you were coming back?”

be keeping Old Mr. Bowers company in the hospital for the next

You’re going to marry Samuel

sound of that and

“I know, Dad.”

could you have Old Mr. Bowers provide Dexmed Pharmaceutical some financial support? Competition with Dream Pharmaceutical has gotten pretty fierce lately, and we’ve been losing quite a lot

on Yara’s face was frozen in place when

me as a cash cow… He wants me to marry Samuel because of the

him. After all, you helped give birth

Dad! I know what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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