A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 462

A Cue for Love Chapter 462

It Looks Exquisite

As for the remaining stones Yeva picked, they all turned out to be just normal ones, yet regardless of the outcome, they were already satisfied when they found out that they at least scored a piece of jade from the pile.

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“Honey,” Yeva said, “I want to go for another round. I’m pretty sure I’ll get another jade this time too. Who knows I’ll get a better piece?”

Thomas thought about all the money he just made and saw no harm in trying again.

“Sure! Let’s do it!”

Another round of careful deliberation took place between the two as they cautiously picked out more raw jade stones from the pile of rocks.

“Boss, what exactly is your plan?” Yandel asked with his voice low, putting his hand on Natalie’s shoulder.

“You’ll know later,” she said with a nasty smile. “We just need to watch and wait.”

that her plan would work out,

Thomas and Yeva’s appetite was getting bigger. They chose more than twenty

expert analyzed the stones passionately before the workers carved them out, yet when the results were shown,

premium quality jade, but there also was

on the second batch offset the amount Thomas gained

a shame!” one of

make and break people. That’s why people

think he will continue betting? He just needs another jade to earn

upset enough, but when he heard the comments spectators made, his blood boiled in

people and their filthy mouths! No wonder

would get

by their earlier victory, Yeva was also acting impulsively. She encouraged Thomas to go for another round since neither of them felt like they should give

hesitation and pulled Yeva close to his side as

confident as they might be, the third round was

untreated stones, yet none of them showed anything

to make back all he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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