A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 472

A Cue for Love Chapter 472

Be Good And Listen To Your Boss

“It’s me. I-I’m the dirtier one!”

Gerik felt the glass cut even deeper when his response was not prompt enough.

“Stop pushing it. B-Blood. My neck is already bleeding badly.”

Natalie snorted when the foulness of his mouth was entirely displaced by the stench of cowardice. “On your knees. I want you lot to apologize to her. Otherwise, I’d bleed him like a pig.”

Gerik could feel the searing pain upon his wound and immediately hollered at his subordinates, “Did you not hear her? Kneel!”

The other two men exchanged glances before they lowered themselves before Wendy.

“We’re sorry that we’ve been inappropriate and rude!”

“We shouldn’t have forced you to drink. We’re worse than beasts.”

The tearful Wendy tidied up her clothes when she got off the couch. Then, she made her way over to Natalie’s side.

Gerik. “Not just them. You

immediately got down to apologize. “I’m sorry, Ms. Xander. I’ve been drunk out of my

Gerik’s neck, Natalie felt

men, the stunt she had managed to pull off should already be considered a miraculous victory in itself, so it would be inadvisable

should leave with Wendy and return to deal with this

relinquished her grip on the bloodied glass in her hand and took Wendy’s hand

alleviated from the threat against him, went on

and smash in that wench’s head! Damn the gall of her to threaten me! I’d kill her where she stands

sent onto their knees. Given the green light from Gerik, they unhesitantly snatched up the few bottles

injured it earlier when she busted through the door, kicking people only served to

hissed Natalie

right?” Wendy quickly lent Natalie

shoved Wendy off. “I’ve endured much


listen to your

pain. However, her unshakable resolve remained palpable within those pristine almond-shaped eyes of

Natalie was in a bad way, she understood that her own presence there would only add to the latter’s

swiftly from the private

foot was in

you like the goddess of war herself just a minute ago? Why are you looking like a cripple right now! A freckle-faced fugly trying to play heroics. I spit on it! Today, I’m going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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