A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 474

A Cue for Love Chapter 474

Seen It Before

If not for Natalie’s timely intervention, Wendy dared not fathom how she might be sullied by Gerik and his bunch of hoodlums.

Seeing Natalie comfort her in spite of her injuries, Wendy simultaneously felt awful and warm inside. Her eyes puffed up red like a rabbit’s.

Not knowing how she might be able to repay Natalie, she bawled on for some time more before she eked out, “I’d continue to work earnestly so I’d make you lots and lots of money, Boss.”

“Good to hear. Good to hear.” Natalie could not help but chuckle at that. “Looking forward to it already.”

Bastien looked on glowingly at the pair.

This woman isn’t very well built, but she showed no fear whatsoever in spite of the odds that were stacked against her. Her diminutive figure belies an indomitable will no lesser than most men.

Though he was positive that he had not met this little woman prior, her silhouette felt somehow familiar, as though he had seen it somewhere before.

account of Natalie and Wendy’s prolonged absence did he realize what

“I’m sorry for being so negligent. I should have come looking when you failed

hands firmly in Lucas’ grasp, Wendy averted her gaze, seemingly at a loss as to

the hotel and help me take

“Understood.” Lucas nodded vigorously.

“What about you, Boss? You seem to be hurt

to allow herself to intrude upon Wendy’s and Lucas’ rare alone time, so she patted Bastien on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about me, for Mr. Nine and I are

berate her for being presumptive when Bastien replied

in the belief that Natalie would be in the care of friends, Lucas

Bastien. “Sincerely, thank you for everything tonight, Mr. Nine. I guess that

meant to exit when a subtle shift of weight onto her right

This foot…

not appear that it

too many steps before she heard an astonished “Mr. Nine” from Joseph. Then she felt a pair of sinewy arms slide around her calves and lift her up

her gaze sharply into the man who had just put her in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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