A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 485

A Cue for Love Chapter 485

Doubting Himself

Franklin and Sophia were his precious grandchildren!

Though Kenneth did not like how they disrespected Yara, he still wished to maintain a close relationship with Franklin and Sophia.

But somehow, they seemed to have drifted apart.

He did not know what he did wrong and had no clue why his great-grandchildren were mad at him.

He would have broken down and cried if Xavian and Clayton were not with him.

Xavian could tell Kenneth was trying to hold back his tears. “Are you okay? You can talk to us if you’re upset.”

Clayton too, nodded. “Yes! We can lend you an ear.”

touched Kenneth. He then told them how Franklin and Sophia refused to reconcile

resented him for it. Nonetheless, he did not reveal their names to

Franklin’s and Sophia’s so-called biological mother. Hence, they

Xavian and

not answer. “But

Clayton also expressed his doubt. “How we wish our Mommy could split into a

remarks rendered Kenneth

for children to be dependent on their mothers. By right, no one was needed to help mend

every possible way to bring Franklin and

have I

great-grandchildren must be smart kids,

course!” Kenneth responded

only disrespected their mommy but not anyone else,

about it before answering, “Yes. They’re kids with

great-grandchildren, could the problem lie with their mommy?”

wanted to answer no, but he could not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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