A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 487

A Cue for Love Chapter 487

Revenge On Yara

“Yeah! Hurry up and follow us!” Sophia urged with a smile.

Franklin and Sophia were only five years old their smiles were pure and innocent like little angels.

Yara couldn’t even force herself to smile despite seeing their angelic smiles.

Even though she was unwilling, she had to accompany them to the amusement park.

“Which ride do you guys want to go on first?” Yara asked patiently. “Merry-go-round or the spinning teacups?”

“Those are too childish!” Franklin rejected outright, “Sophia and I don’t like these kids’ rides.”

Yara’s anger boiled at his biting remark, yet she didn’t show it on her face.

Urgh, these two brats are acting spoiled again!

“These rides are not childish. They are perfect for five-year-olds.”

Yara taunted,

“Why did you bring me here if you weren’t interested in rides?”

sweet smile formed on Sophia’s lips as

I want

The train of cars traveling along the track looked like a dragon flying in the sky. Even from afar, they

heights, immediately shook her head vehemently. “You guys can’t go on that ride.

thought you love us the most in the whole world? Didn’t you always insist we were your babies?” Franklin said casually, “If you insist on not getting on the ride with Sophia and

truth. He said those words merely

saying?” The expression on Yara’s face

ride on a roller coaster.

glance, wondering the reason for Yara’s

reaction seriously as long

joined the line for the roller coaster ride and reached the front

gate and pushed the restraint bar down after she climbed

turned to look over her shoulder to check on Franklin and Sophia behind her, but instead of the two

panicked. “Where are the two

kindly pointed

his direction, she saw Sophia and Franklin standing there, with innocent looks on their

here for the ride

clarify the rules for this ride. There’s a height limit enforced for this ride. Children below 4’2” aren’t


she had fallen for the

the roller coaster from the beginning. It was a lie for me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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