A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 489

A Cue for Love Chapter 489

Daddy Are You Jealous

“Samuel, I believe I can do well if only you let me stay beside you and the kids,” Yara swore as she toyed with her fingers.

Samuel shot her a death glare, furious at her suggestion.

“There will never be such a chance.”


“The only reason I endure you is that Grandpa likes you.”

He added,

“If you continue to have any unrealistic notion about anything else, even Grandpa won’t be able to protect you then.”

He bent down and gently scooped Sophia into his arm and reached for Franklin’s hand with his other arm. Next, he turned around and left.

Yara watched until he was gone from her sight.

at night was bright

frame could easily attract the lingering gaze of the opposite gender

I talked to him previously,

rejection, hatred,

Old Mr. Bower’s caretaker in his

a soon-to-be eighty-year-old man’s caretaker… I want to be

as she

short arms over Samuel’s neck. Her eyes were still glassy

his eyes. “Daddy! As expected of my daddy. You looked so

Sophia in his arms, then at Franklin holding onto his hand. “Remember to always stay far

“Got it, Daddy.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

Sophia nodded,

colorful neon lights around the castle in the amusement park and trees lit up. The whole place looked like one written in

beautiful view bedazzled Franklin and Sophia,

her arms around Samuel’s neck and asked, “Can we call Mommy,

it’s a pity if only the three of us get to

a beautiful night view. I wonder if Natalie likes

“All right.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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