A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 502

A Cue for Love Chapter 502

Yara And Her Threats

Meanwhile, Natalie continued to clap in jubilation, unaware of the attention shown by multiple parties on the second floor.

After slowly walking down the stage, Ross took a seat beside Natalie.

“Well done.” She flashed a thumbs up at him and declared proudly, “Evidently, I made the right choice picking you back then.”

“Ms. Nichols, even though I have said this many times before, I still want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Having calmed himself down, Ross continued, “If you hadn’t given me the opportunity to climb out of the abyss I was in, I’m afraid I would be stuck in there for the rest of my life.”

“In that case, Ross, let’s work together to scale greater heights.”

“I will do my very best.”

Natalie nodded in acknowledgment.

While there were a few more speakers during the first half of the conference, none of them spoke as invigoratingly as Ross.

half of the conference finally came to an end, and there would be a short half an hour

by many

Trevor, my company’s cold chain logistics are comprehensive and advanced. Once you bring your cancer drug to market, can we get you to appoint us as your

our R&D team come to Dream


jostled for position to talk to Ross, Natalie was gradually squeezed to

her balance. Just when she was about to fall, Ross

of reflex, Natalie was smoothly pulled into his embrace where both of them

you all right?” Ross asked

“I should be.”

at her ankle and made sure that she

can’t stand to do it,” Natalie whispered. After that, she

ran into Yara coming from the

stared at Natalie in her white shirt and pants that flared at

as ugly as I

with her calm and elegant demeanor. If fact,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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