A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 504

A Cue for Love Chapter 504

Explain In Bed

Samuel took a look at Yara’s phone screen.

The picture showed Ross holding Natalie by the hip as she leaned in his embrace. They were holding each other’s gazes in what looked like a romantic moment.

When Yara saw Samuel knitting his brows, she continued to add fuel to the fire. “Samuel, I took these pictures just now. Therefore, I’m not lying to you. Natalie is not satisfied with only getting your affection, so she clamors for other men!”

Just when Ross was about to explain, Natalie shot him a look to stop him.

Narrowing his gaze, Samuel paused for a long while before asking, “What are these photos about?”

Raising her head to meet his gaze, she answered, “I just want to know if you trust me?”

Just when Yara wanted to use the opportunity to tell Samuel about how much she cared, Samuel replied without any hesitation, “I do.”

That was what Samuel truly believed.

he couldn’t help but feel jealous when he saw her in an intimate position with another man even though it wasn’t

his fists so tightly that

when he answered her. Thus,

bit her ear in front of

her brows, Natalie endured the urge to

home, you should explain to me in bed and continue

Natalie was speechless.

he is looking for is

finished, Samuel backed

Yara saw how they interacted, her face

be able to accept having their partner cheat on

give up. “Samuel, you saw the pictures with your own eyes. But, but why do you still protect her? Can it be that you can tolerate her cheating on you behind your

to continue, Natalie grabbed a cup of hot coffee and splashed it on


she froze in shock as the skin on her

coffee stain. She looked as if she had fallen into a pool of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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