A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 514

A Cue for Love Chapter 514

Playing With Fire

“Master,” Samuel greeted, his expression stony as he gave Malcolm a curt nod.

Malcolm waved a hand at him. “Don’t look so cold later. Just look at that face of yours! You’ll scare off your junior!”

“My face has always looked this way.”

Malcolm narrowed his eyes and warned, “I’m not the only one who has a soft spot for your junior. Donna and the rest of the rest adore her as well. If you dare bully her, none of us will go easy on you.”

“I’m not interested in my junior in that way.” Samuel took a seat and poured himself a cup of tea. “If you’re thinking about setting me up with her, I advise you to give up early on,” he said impassively.

“Save the talk about giving up till you see her.”

second thought. The corners of his lips quirked upward as he continued, “It doesn’t matter if she has the beauty to overturn nations. I won’t have that sort of

thing Natalie heard when she entered

the man’s familiar profile. My senior is Samuel? This is

unexpected appearance sparked Natalie’s playful side

has no interest in me, why do you still insist on setting us

this senior is the only guy left on earth! I’m sure my other seniors are brilliant as well, and other masters are

has no idea what he’s talking about. Don’t take

he berated, “That mouth of yours overshadows all the good

gaze to see Natalie

involuntarily around the teacup when he registered her

sloshed about in the cup as the teacup shook from

person did you want Master to introduce you to?” Samuel asked, his menacing tone matching his

continued to poke the bear. “My other seniors, of course. Well, anyone but you, really. Didn’t you just say that no matter how beautiful I am, you

warned as his eyebrows drew together

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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