A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 532

A Cue for Love Chapter 532

I Thought You Would Not Talk To Me

Franklin clenched his grip tightly on his seatbelt.

We’ve spent so much time discussing the plan to make Great-grandpa have a better impression of Mommy. If they never get to meet each other, how will he change his perception of her?

He then stealthily pinched himself on his buttock again, and tears welled up on the rims of his eyes again. “Mommy, Sophia has fallen asleep, but she has been looking forward to visiting Great-grandpa. C-Can you carry her inside? That way, she’ll surely be over the moon when she wakes up to see Great-grandpa later…”

Franklin and Sophia had always been sensible children and had barely ever requested Natalie to do anything for them.

Hence, it would never cross Natalie’s mind that the four children would devise a plan against her to improve her relationship with Kenneth.

Natalie turned to look at Franklin. Seeing tears swirling around his eyes, she could not bear to reject his earnest plea.

“All right, I’ll leave after leaving you guys to your great-grandpa.”

Unbuckling her seatbelt, Natalie opened the car door and got out of the driver’s seat. She then walked to the back seats to carry Sophia, who was still in a deep slumber.

In truth, the little girl was not asleep.

see through the trick, she clenched her fingers so tightly they were

Wait for me in


“All right.”

and Clayton’s

toward the manor while carrying Sophia in one of her arms and holding Franklin’s hand

the two children, whom they had not seen for a long time, they were

in, Franklin had to guide Natalie since she

“Mommy, this way.”

under Franklin’s guidance, Natalie finally arrived before the luxurious and impressive-looking manor, with Sophia in

Kenneth had received word of his precious grandchildren’s arrival, he could not contain the excitement of meeting

Franklin and Sophia, my precious

walked out to see the two children and, at

Kenneth’s pupils constricted at the sight of the

she would run into Kenneth since she had only wanted to

just as she was about to explain, Franklin let go of her hand and hopped over to Kenneth


because Kenneth had not heard Franklin’s crisp and clear voice for a long

bent over and pulled Franklin into his warm embrace, unwilling to let him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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