A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 543

A Cue for Love Chapter 543

Add This Into His Medicine

Yara frowned at the butler’s words.

“Tell me every single thing that happened,” she commanded. “Spare no details!”

Jefford painstakingly retold the events of the night, including the games and Kenneth’s impression of Natalie after she left. Yara’s face became increasingly grim as the story progressed.

This b*tch grew up in the countryside with Jennie! She’s my twin sister, yet her talent and grit far surpass me!

Taking a leaf out of Natalie’s book, Yara had initially tried to impress Kenneth with her chess skills. However, she soon discovered, to her disappointment, that it took more than sheer force of will to succeed in chess.

Forced to take the easier way out, she amended her plan in its later stages by pretending to lose to Kenneth and complimenting him with sweet words.

Unfortunately, as soon as Natalie came along, all my efforts suddenly seemed to pale in comparison.

When Jefford was done, she asked quietly, “Do you think Kenneth prefers

have been by his side for the past five years. I have seen that your efforts have been appreciated by

“Speak your mind.”


her children for the work you’ve laid down for the past five years to come crashing

to be subjected to the full extent of her wrath, she merely nodded to Jefford’s surprise.

are you…”

Kenneth’s medication every day,” Yara instructed as she handed him a

at a time. You have a three-month

it up apprehensively with a

raised her eyebrows in disapproval. “That’s not something you should concern yourself with. Instead, start thinking about how you’ll administer it without getting caught. Don’t forget that your

mere mention of Jefford’s daughter seemed to strengthen his resolve. His face, though pale, was grim with

Ms. Yara. It will get it


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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