A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 545

A Cue for Love Chapter 545

Laugh While You Still Can

The children sat in the same row as the bus made its rounds to collect the other students who had signed up for the day trip.

The boys voiced their concern for Sophia for shouldering the burden of having to haul the flask by herself.

“Why don’t you let me carry it for you, Sophia,” offered Franklin. “The flask looks awfully heavy.”

Sophia shook her head vigorously.

“It’s not heavy at all!” she responded earnestly, her squeaky voice barely concealing her fierce resolve. “I want to find the whitest patch of snow and bring some back for Mommy!”

Sophia’s siblings did not press the matter further in the face of their sister’s determination.

“How about letting each of us carry your backpack for you in turn, then?” Clayton suggested after a pause.

the weight on your back, you

thought that it was a more efficient solution than

backpack to extract the flask before handing the backpack to

“Thank you, guys!”

up for the trip had been collected, the bus took

Natalie before. On the other hand, Franklin and Sophia grew up in Dellmoor. Even the prospect of

flask. Her smile was wide in anticipation for

the frontmost row of the bus turned around to gaze at Sophia. Then, a meaningful smile appeared across her lips as she did

can, little girl. You might never laugh again once I’m through with

them. “Especially the four kids sitting in the third row from the back. You’re new, aren’t you? You may not know this, but those kids are the children of the director of the conglomerate which owns this kindergarten. You must keep a close eye on them when we get to the resort. If they had a scratch on the knee, we’ll be doomed! Do not let them out of your sight for even a

understand, Mr. Yoan.”

glad we’re on the same page.” Mr. Yoan sighed. “Sometimes I realize how ridiculous it is for me to be fawning over children who can barely read the alphabet before I even have kids of my own. To think that this bunch of kids were born with more

single too, Mr. Yoan?” the woman exclaimed with a giggle as she clung to

grin as his heart skipped

for ninety minutes, the bus finally rolled to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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