A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 563

A Cue for Love Chapter 563

It Cannot Be Yara

Natalie bit her lips.

She lifted the blanket off herself and wanted to get down from the bed. “I’ll go and keep him accompanied.”

Yandel tried to stop her. “Boss, Billy is with Samuel now. You don’t have to worry about him. The Bowers family has sent their private doctor here to treat him. After all, Samuel is the head of the Bowers family. Even if they have to exhaust everything they own, they won’t let anything untoward happen to him.”

Seeing that Natalie was still worried, Yandel continued, “Boss, your main priority right now is to make a full recovery! The moment Samuel awakens, he will be heartbroken to see you in this state!”

Natalie touched her face and said no more. She picked up the bowl of mushroom soup and finished the rest of it.



Natalie narrowed her eyes. “There is no way Melissa can plan something like this.”

a frown, Yandel asked, “Could it be

to plot something like this. I don’t think it’s Yara either.

was not underestimating

just that Yara had yet to attain

a huge amount of money. In addition, the

had something to do


mask on. Other than those close to her, very few people were aware of her real identity. Even her cover-up as the Chairman of Dream

sense how hard Natalie was thinking

first? Once you have recovered, we’ll discuss this matter


stood in front of the freezer and watched the

asked, “Can all of

the freezer for eight hours, and the cold

died in a heinous manner. Her eyes looked as if she was staring at someone. Her mouth was slightly open. There was a gaping, dark hole

her corpse looked, Melissa had been killed with

Yvonne had been praying that the police had gotten it wrong. It could not have been Melissa. Unfortunately, looking at the body of her daughter with her own eyes, Yvonne’s world

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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