A Cue For Love

A Cue For Love Chapter 568

A Cue for Love Chapter 568

Guard The Ward

Billy blushed fiercely as he heard those sounds coming from the ward.

This… He thought he could be spared their public display of intimacy once he left the ward. Yet, he still got caught in the middle of it.

Meanwhile, a young pretty nurse heard there was a handsome and rich patient hospitalized in the VIP ward. She wanted to grab the chance and take care of Samuel personally.

When she approached Samuel’s ward, she was blocked by Billy at the door.

“What are you doing?”

“Sir, excuse me. Please let me in.” The nurse displayed a polite and sweet smile. “I am doing my job. I am going to take his temperature and blood pressure.”

“It’s not necessary.” Billy rejected on behalf of Samuel.

“What do you mean by that?” The nurse acted persistently as she was eager to go inside.

“Mr. Bowers is asleep.”

if he is sleeping. I don’t need to wake him

Billy dumb. “Either way, you

to go in. Suddenly, she heard a woman’s moaning voice coming

face turned red

going on in

He is asleep.” Billy emphasized his words. “You can’t go in there now. It is not

hope had vanished. With that, she

two in the ward slowly dozed

exhausted as she burrowed herself in

with satisfaction. At that moment, he felt he owned

it was hard for him to forgive Natalie’s act. However, as he was

in this world that could overcome Samuel, it would


a sigh as he planted a tender kiss on her

to be resolved, Samuel suspected something more behind all those happenings. Nevertheless, he was not able to

he did not want to worry about that. He wanted to cherish the moment as he hugged Natalie tighter and closed

kicked in the following

outside the ward for the entire night. He barely got any sleep at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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