Chapter 117 The Fish That Sl*pped Through the Net (1)

“Don’t dwell on things between you and that kid. If a man truly loved you, he would wholeheartedly trust you, no matter what happens.”

Regardless of what occurs, the man would believe the woman he truly loved.

Natalie felt a lump in her throat!

“I don’t care about him anymore,” she said in an unusually calm tone.

Stephen looked at her and pondered momentarily. Then, he said, “I have some new information about


“What is it?”

“I must first warn you that it

“I must first warn you that it’s not good news.”

Initially, Stephen had no intention of informing Natalie on this matter when he first found out. However, Karina mentioned that Natalie was hiring a private investigator before Stephen arrived today.

It was evident that Natalie was anxious and concerned about this matter. Even if Stephen didn’t tell her,

she would eventually find out on her own.

Natalie swallowed hard. “What do you mean by that?”

Stephen sat down, took a sip of the water, and said, “I think the one she actually hates is your mother.”

Natalie was speechless.

Her mother?


Her chest tightened, and she became tense.

Her mother?!

Stephen looked at her with a hint of reluctance in his eyes, From his expression, Natalie could tell that

this was definitely something bad.

“Regarding this matter, I think….”

I need to know!” Natalie interrupted Stephen before he could finish his sentence.

Natalie could probably guess what Stephen intended to say. He likely wanted to assure her that she didn’t

‘But she….I

Isabella had done so many things to hurt her! Even in her past life, Isabella had ultimately taken her eyes!

Isabella had something to

between them, how could she not want to know the



moment, Natalie probably realized that Isabella’s identity might not

had thought.

that Natalie wouldn’t

already experienced

she not

he said, “She…

Natalie was speechless!

a thorough examination, the doctor concluded that it was a stress–induced heart

Rebecca’s continued unconsciousness was likely due to

eyes were


like this? How could she do this to our family? Does she hate us

Natalie were already

that done, Christina didn’t want to

when she thought about how Natalie and Cedric had been together at the

years by Rebecca’s side, she had gained insight

hearts of men.

to help her. However, even when Isabella was faking her blindness, Cedric hadn’t

suspected that Cedric’s heart

various excuses to be

that must be

she thought about it, the more Christina’s

so well all these years! How could she?!” Christina choked

Cedric angrily

Christina was taken aback.

at Cedric in

Did you

had never yelled at her

sided with Christina whenever something happened between

he was yelling

“Go home!”

had lost patience with

past, there were many things he didn’t know. Now that

to care for this sister genuinely. He didn’t realize that Christina, who had grown up with him since

felt panic rising in her heart. Despite this,

to stay

Cedric didn’t fall for it this time. Despite

she was genuinely scared.

first arrived at the Johnson family, she was constantly worried

would treat

everyone’s favor with her abilities. Under their

wasn’t originally part of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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