Chapter 829 The Entes Family's , Third Lady i I ! "Do you really not care at all?" Bianca } asked curiously.

At this moment, all Bianca heard in Natalie's tone was indifference. At this point, Natalie seemed to not care about anything.

"Bia, have you forgotten? I'm now the Entes family's third lady!" So, regardless of Cedric's situation, Natalie shouldn't be concerned. However, Natalie's sincerity in accepting her current status made Bianca smile.

"Looks like my third brother-in-law is treating you well," Bianca commented.

"Yeah, he does." The entire Simeria knew how Austin treated Natalie. Austin gave up Simeria for the sake of the Jarvis family's lady!

EE I Because of his sacrifice, the Entes family ) could settle everything in the shortest I time possible.

I 2 ' Bianca's smile widened. "That's good!" I "Bia, you should be careful." "Yeah, I know. Don't worry about it." Bianca knew what Natalie was worried about now, but she had reached a point of no return. When she had cooperated with Zane before, she hadn't thought about her future! Who could have thought that the person who eventually cut off her way out of Simeria would be... Zane?! And that man even wanted her to leave.

What was in his mind? Bianca was now cautious around Zane because of her uneasiness towards him and the situation.

I She hated being manipulated the most! \ She never expected she would feel y i trapped by the Entes family. She now I realized it wouldn't be easy to extricate herself once involved.

I I = Bianca now lived comfortably in Entes Manor, and Zane returned every day.

Although he still treated Bianca coldly, he had somehow handled the Holly family.

Although there was no movement for now, Bianca knew no one knew what might happen next.

At the breakfast table, she watched the man elegantly eat breakfast opposite her.

up her glass of milk and took a sip before saying, ""We'll attend the

the incident

seen how ruthless Zane I I could be before! The ones Malcolm had lost were all the

hope of becoming Simeria's future queen, the current king was extremely fond of her. He didn't even spare his own brother for her sake!

a bit these } days, and she couldn't help but admit I that... she hadn't seen how ruthless Zane I I could be before! The ones Malcolm had lost were all the people he grew up with, and they meant a I lot to

rumor about what had happened in Lyndoria. People said that although the Entes family's seventh lady had no hope of becoming Simeria's future queen, the current king was extremely fond of her. He didn't even spare his own brother for her sake! Weren't they referring to what had

likes Bianca, he I wouldn't disregard his interests. i I ' The Holly family played a crucial role for I Zane. So, Malcolm personally brought I ! Bianca

ignored brotherly affection, but could he also do the same for his own

to admit that Malcolm's counterattack against

face sank at Bianca's words, and he

looked at Bianca with sharp

dangerous as he ) said, "You know it's impossible!" I Bianca met Zane's eyes calmly. "Fmust I

I "Bianca!" I .

Naturally, I'll have to play this role well, don't you think?" As soon as she finished speaking,


me like this. I don't care what you want to achieve and what you're scheming behind the scenes! I must

to Zane, such as Seraphine, refrained from being too direct.

gaze, } and Bianca continued, "When you were in , Lyndoria, did you ever consider what i I would happen to me once I left Simeria after what happened there?" Ignoring Malcolm's animosity, those I around him

happen once she left Simeria? When Bianca thought about those

a hint of coldness

and fork in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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