Chapter 859 An Old Photo This also led the Holly family to speculate whether Zane's feelings ~ towards the Holly family were really as rumored...! Thinking of that possibility, Eleanor's already pale complexion became even more somber.

Seraphine nodded. "1 understand, Mother." In front of Eleanor, she dared not say much. After all, she was her foster daughter! So, every time Eleanor said something, she listened.

As for her own thoughts... Seraphine never had her own opinions.

"I heard you arranged for it today..." Seraphine thought of the car accident and looked at Eleanor.

Eleanor frowned. "Despite such warnings, she still refuses to relent.

She's a tough nut to crack!" 4

(# ] +15 BONUS nn "The road ahead of you will be tough!" Tough, but she had to succeed! Otherwise...! Today's accident was only a warning...’ Seraphine felt frustrated. Why couldn't they just directly take down that woman? She felt suffocated when she thought about that.

Eleanor glanced at Seraphine and said, "Sera, I may not have much time left. I hope to see you marry him while I'm still alive." Seraphine's heart tightened as she heard Eleanor say this. "Mother, please don't say such things!" Even though Eleanor was a strict figure in the Holly family, Seraphine was aware that Eleanor was her strongest ally when it came to her marrying Zane. Other members of the Holly family wouldn't genuinely support her, and if the marriage didn't

() +15 BONUS work out, Seraphine would be left vulnerable to manipulation as a pawn.

She was determined to avoid that fate at any cost.

"You have to get better," Seraphine said.

"Get better..." Eleanor smiled bitterly when she heard these words. "Perhaps it's a punishment from heaven for me! I Her statement sounded somewhat helpless and painful.

Because time was running out, she would spare no effort to remove all obstacles blocking Seraphine's path.

Eleanor had already run out of energy and waved her hand dismissively. " That's enough. You may go." Seraphine wanted to make Eleanor happy. That was the only way

her mood had been greatly affected,

old black and white photo from under her pillow. Despite the passing

little girl was smiling brightly because of the candy in her hand. Eleanor touched

Eleanor had sent countless people to her hometown and even gone there

+15 BONUS It seemed that after the girl had lost her remaining relatives, she had never returned home...! Just then, she

the pillow when she

we were in such deep trouble, she... was our pain. Don't you miss her?" I I Miss her? How could Curtis not miss her over the years? Over the years, they had

had participated in the search. After years of fruitless searching, they began to have doubts

no one dared to voice such

be a banquet in

it, okay?" Eleanor changed the subject, indicating she didn't want to continue discussing

be the old lady's birthday celebration in

was back in Simeria. Stephen's birthday was approaching, and she had been hiding for so long. No one knew where she and

+15 BONUS ~The moment Natalie returned, she went to Entes Manor. When

not to come back? A Although Natalie returned in such a way, Bianca was still worried about her. After all, what kind of person was Cedric? Natalie smiled. "TI missed you!" Missed her? When

back, he might come and bug

+15 BONUS Although peace was comforting, Natalie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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