Chapter 880 Never Got to See Her Alive Again

Eleanor stayed in Bianca's house for about two months.

Perhaps during this time, she was always waiting for Bianca—waiting for her to come home! However, Eleanor couldn't hold out until the end. The last time she entered the operating room, she didn't make it out alive! Her daughter in this world ultimately left her with endless regrets. Curtis brought her ashes back to Simeria. After confirming the funeral date, he went to see Natalie right away.

‘If she contacts you, tell her the funeral is on the 20th." The 20th? That was a week away. Wasn't that a little too long? Obviously, the Holly family also hoped Bianca would get this message. Natalie nodded.

"I'll let her know if she contacts me." However, whether Bianca would contact Natalie was another matter. News of Eleanor's passing was everywhere now. Natalie didn't believe Bianca hadn't heard about it.

But even if Bianca had, she hadn't shown up.

It was clear she didn't intend to return.

It seemed that Bianca had truly let go of everything.Malcolm lit a cigarette and said to Liam, "We need to keep a close eye on the Holly family during this time," The Holly family had spread the news of Eleanor's passing. Clearly, they hoped that Bianca would hear about it and return to see Eleanor off one last time! Liam respectfully nodded.

"Understood." The air fell silent. Malcolm took a heavy drag from his cigarette. His eyes were filled with desolation.

Why couldn't they find her after all this time? Was she even still alive? In Malcolm's mind flashed memories of his past with Bianca, and none of them were pleasant! What had he done to her when the truth about Faye appeared before him? He had destroyed everything she had with his own hands. What right did he have to be like this? Yes, what right did he have?


"Yes, sir?"

"Do you think she hates me?" Malcolm's voice was laden with suppressed emotions.

Liam frowned. Everyone knew Bianca held a special place in Malcolm's heart. But everyone also knew that, given Bianca's temperament, it was probably too late for reconciliation.

Lyndoria was enough to show her hatred for you!"

to do with her!"

with Bianca! Yet he shamelessly entangled her in it, making it impossible for her to leave Simeria no

How could he have done all those things? Since Eleanor's passing, all eyes searching for Bianca turned to the Holly family. They were being closely monitored, and

guesses were right! In Bianca's heart, no one mattered more

phone, Bianca said to Natalie, "Nat, if you were here, you'd love it. The snow is piled up almost waist-high, yet the people here are all wearing skirts and short sleeves." "You have no idea how cold it is just looking at

It deeply moved Natalie.

* Bia, do you know Eleanor passed away?" And Bianca...! At that moment, Bianca looked at the snow- covered ground

she simply said,

In that instant, Natalie understood the implication

the news so widely

so, Bianca...! "I'm doing fine now. Without those people, I feel

fine as long as you're happy," Natalie expressed her support with no further

was. As long as Bianca was happy, morality and ethics don't really matter, considering what Bianca has been through. She didn't need to

up now,"

just to let her know she was doing well. She didn't want anything more! Back at the cabin, sparks crackled from the fireplace as Bianca

really enjoyed the pure taste

been searching for Bianca's whereabouts

Bianca was like finding a needle in a haystack. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared. No matter what method he used, he couldn't find

at the funeral, everyone

The person Eleanor most wanted to see didn't come! And after Eleanor's funeral,

news from Simeria. Zane suddenly handed everything over to

go? Nobody knew! When Malcolm heard this news, his eyes flickered with endless madness and... pain! Natalie was originally about to leave Simeria with Austin when he came back to tell her this news. The expression on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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