‘When Malcolm heard Bianca's words; ie instantly exploded with anger.

‘Who did she think she was to say he didn't have the final say? Did this damn woman think he had chased her all the way here ust to play around? Bianca could feel the dangerous aura emanating from the man, but she paid no mind toi. She looked at him and calmly.

said, "Stop helping that person!" She was referring to John.

“This time, there was no immediate resolution, which undoubtedly meant Malcolm had intervened somehow.

And Bianca wanted to put an end to Nancy's miserable fate as soon as possible.

Already fuming, Malcolm was even more furious tohear that she tll had the nerve womentionhelping someones, "Eine, the end everything with Zane immediately!" Bianca el sient.

End everything? Bianca knew that nt long afer shelf Simerta, 2ane..ad stepped down fom that position. Natale told Bianca that Zane ad gone ooking or her 0 the mater between her and Zane.

probably wouldn't end so casi! Though wasn't what she wanted to face, she had to adit that ws the cruel realty. However, Nancy's situation couldn't banca looked at Malcom. The calmness ine yes was gone ceplaced by endless

Malcolm said, "Cut ties with him and come back to me, okay?" Cut ties completely? - ‘That was what Blanca wanted, But coming back to him was absolutly. impossible Sa now, the two demands Malcolm put forth weren't something Bianca could.

easily fulfill.

But Nancy...

“Mr. Entes, 1 didn't expectyou to be lke this!" After thinking for along time, Bianca couldn't find the ight words to describe the man in front of her.

Bianca was speechless, and she silently stared

meant she

other way! — Since she wouldn't obediently return to his side, then he... had no choice but

sald, the man turned

but her whole body felt cold

here, but since he arrived here, he hadn't received any other leads.

news about Malcolm,

wasn't intentionally

"We have news about Lord

Manor." Zane frowned Snow Peak


winding. By car, it would take

it might even take two hours: “The town wasn't large, to begin with, but Malcolm actually went to

1s she with him?"

desine for power. His ruthless behavior in Simeri ove the years made It clear that Te would go toany lengths to achieve But this person, who was so greedy for power and status, actualy illngly ett all goat he last moment! Glancing at the

this. It got dark completely

Ge But Zane stl got up. After

naturally wanted

won't come until three days later” In such blizzard conditions, even the snowplow had a set schedule for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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