‘Nancy never had a friend before.

She. Knew what frends were lie and longed for one, but she never ad one.

So when Bianca mentioned they were friends, she was touched.

“Really? “Yeah, We're frends, okay?" So, twas olay to help friends, ight? Naney never expected that someone as high and mighty as Banca wouldbe.

willing tobe her friend.

"Olay. We're frends." Finally, Nancy had her first end, he most special one i her world.

Bianca nodded.

After diner, Blanca suggested that Nancy stay here, but Nancy nsisted she would get better soon.

With that, Bianca had no choice but to take her back home.

Nancy said she would walk, but Bianca insisted.

the end, Nancy listened to Blanca.

When Bianca returned home, she.

found a plump woman standing ther house door.

Seeing Banca get out of the ar the.

plump woman approached and warmly said, "Hello, Mis.

Sanders." Bianca was silent, Although they rarely greeted each other, she still new that thi plomp woman was ht neighbor from two houses down, Sandy.

1s there something you need? Banca asked witha frown.

Even though she accepted Nancy's presence now, it was dbvious Bianca wasn't quite used to Interacting with ‘multiple people ‘Sandy handed her a basket and said, "These are the freshly baked bread I made, and also brought you some milk" "HR? You don'chave tol” — ‘Anelghbor suddenly giving her something made Bianca ec] awlovard.

hands, "Just take 1" “Why are you giving me these things?" Since Sandy insisted on giving them to Blanca, there must

she know tha her lawsuit for Nancy had become the alkof the entire village! Her actions in suing Nancy's husband earned her the villagers! admiration

on in." Sandy was warm and had offered her §ifs, so Blanca elt bad leaving her


inside, Sandy took Bianca's hand and said, "You did a

dea what that scumbag has done tothe people in this village 1's not that we

just that we're 00 scared to

Bianca frowned.


useful to her.

lost the lawsuit because of Malcolm's interference, these villagers would be the leverage fo

she talked about this, Sandy's

was filled with helplessness.

sad, "We used a feel sorry for that ir." "Ever since that scumbag brought her here, he life has been ike living inh] Wewanted t help

that gil, he would retaliate against

only cruel to Nancy but also to the

poisoned and killed my family's cous

cos in his area, and the milk they produced was ther

imagine the


someone daretodosuchathing? “Didn't anyone report him to

he continued t cause trouble

had no choice but

in ine wich what Nancy had told



had truly met his match! “Not messing vith him was

“ms Sanders" "Yes?" .


lke that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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