As Blanca spoke, Zane's eyes flickered.

with depth, but his gaze toward her vias filled with tender indulgence.

Backin Simeria, he always kept himself restrained in public, and even is gaze I was tightly controlled But now, it seemed ke he acted without holding anything back.

Bianca suddenly asked, "How did you get here?" Withouta snowplow, this road was.

simply impassable.

Zane replied, “1 drove n slowly." "Really?" "Yes, it would have taken the snowplow three days to get here couldn't wait that long" Bianca was speechless.

“The man spoke serlously, asf things were exactly ashe said, but.

were they reall?! Bianca looked deeper Into his eyes, which seemed more profound at this moment.

Zane raised an eyebrow.

"What's I wrong?" "You should eave eacly tomorzow.

ll arrange for you to meet wih the relevant.

departments." Zane was speechless.

Was she trying to getridof him? But thinking of her gaze upon him as fhe.

were a stranger, a hint of sharpness flashed in his eyes Then, he aid, "You shouldn't get involved with Malcolm!" "But he told me you're not a simple person and that 1 shouldn't get involved ‘with you.

All of you from the Entes family are quiteamusing!” ‘ Wasn't jus hilarious? — Weren't these people from the Entes family more than just amusing? Zane fel silent Hearing Malcolm spealc of himself ke his infront of Bianca, a hint of danger couldn't help but flash in hiseyes, "Right or wrong, you've already made up.

your mind, haven't you? Why would you Fun away from him if he were a good person?” “None of you ae good people!” Bianca shut im down with a single sentence.

Of course! tn her heart, there wasn'ta single good person among the Entes family Zane fell silent.

Looking at Bianca like hi, hk abi hls.

‘Bianca said, "Tell me, how did you—— ; manage” She was ling about thes marge When shel Smerta, he had dong Whitey vas supposed to ave ben.

However, se Malcom personaly

nyonelow we started,

ths manipulation took a turn J

in love wasn't scary! What was scary

the scariest

started, you'ce sill my wil" Every word he spoke was as fim and sharp as his

felt frustrated aftr she


only thought

thoughts pushed her relentlessly

matter what, shehad to escape! Zane said, "I'm sorry or what happened before." As

Why apologize? Could all tha

an apology? “Ifyou truly fee sorry,

that meant what

me, Zane confidently

Blanca was speechless.

her eyes swirling

Stay away from him.

business! No regrets or resentment! These were the

but what was Bianca's reference? Had she

ove with

Simeria, in


lifetime! Yes.

marriage but to be together fora lifetime! And what fueled this liking was

Like? ‘Now,

looked ‘mockingly at Zane and said, "So

that were about tobe said remained stuck n

Convenient, wasn't 7" She really got of toa bad start Maybe was also because of some bad luck in her life 50, having her career ruined and falling love with someone wholso had an ulterior motive in approaching her was also

of er caught her

Listening to Bianca's words,

with her guarded demeanor, he didn't know how to

Blanca said, "I'm going to bed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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