Chapter 919 The Skill of Prying Open a Door

After everyone left, Seth approached Zane in concern. "Lord Zane, Lord Malcolm probably won't let this go easily." In fact, he might not even let Zane off easily! Seth and the others had seen Malcolm's ruthless methods before. So now, looking at Zane, Seth couldn't help but feel worried.

"Ever since I accepted her presence and even gave her that kind of status, our friendship has been strained," Zane said truthfully.

At these words, Seth stiffened! Rarely had he seen things so clearly.

And what Zane said was true. From the moment he accepted Bianca by his side, there was no possibility of reconciliation left between him and his brother.

After all, in the Entes family, where was there any sentiment? If even fathers and sons were like that, what about brothers? Seth clearly heard the bitterness in this and felt that what Zane did was actually right! After completely cutting off, there would be no more regrets, right? Seth nodded. "So be it!" If Zane must have Bianca, then something must be sacrificed. If he wants to keep brotherly affection, then he must have cut ties with

Bianca long ago. Since he was reluctant to cut ties now, then he must give up the other side.

Malcolm returned to his own room in a fury, and Horatio nervously followed behind...! Clearly, watching the escalating situation, Horatio was truly worried about Malcolm! "Horatio, find out where she is!" She went out with Zane, but now only Zane has returned. So where did Bianca go?! Why was she nowhere to be found? .

"Yes, sir!" Horatio nodded and turned to go downstairs to start investigating.

Meanwhile, Bianca was in a hotel in town.

She didn't know what was happening in the village. Whether it was Malcolm or Zane, she just doesn't care for now.

All her thoughts are on resolving Nancy's case. She wanted to put an end to that first.

Early the next morning, Bianca went to the relevant department with Nancy's notice of defeat and the relevant documents of her domestic violence.

do some actual groundwork before the appeal! Dealing with scoundrels like Malcolm, one's efforts were not enough to abide

two days running around the various departments in town. Fortunately, neither Zane nor Malcolm came looking for

returned home. But as soon as she got out of the car, Horatio appeared in front of

hell, all of you!" Bianca directly threw

Malcolm's accident, Horatio's accusations towards her

Malcolm to the core, so naturally, she didn't have any good feelings towards

Bianca to have such a bad temper! He wanted to

the end, Horatio somehow made his

Hearing that Bianca wasn't coming,

she also

downright ignoring

thoughts went in a completely

but she wouldn't even spare a minute for him? What a great woman she was! He didn't know that he couldn't change anything

and it seemed like Bianca had kept them all and was now

Bianca took a shower.

A was really tired these past two days. Now that everything was

of the door lock turning, Bianca, thinking it was Malcolm, peered out irritably. But when she saw it was Zane, her expression remained unchanged, and she said in a less in a somewhat unpleasant tone, "You two brothers are so alike!" Even though they looked

the same?"

and entering!" Bianca replied

come!" Food? Bianca was already angry, and she

How couldn't she see that this man was trying to bribe

the small dishes on the

soft wrist, he said, "Tired, aren't you?" She was more than just tired. Bianca was really

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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