"lan Holcomb, you're the one who's picking a fight with me!" Sage snarled. "If you don't want to give me anything, don't force yourself to! I'm not a recycling bin. I don't need things that have belonged to someone else!"

"Could you stop being so damn difficult, Sage?” lan was afraid that she might snap if he mentioned that Ivy was the one who had picked out the earrings. So, he gritted his teeth and said, "The earrings are brand new. It still has the tag on it. Where did you get the idea that these belonged to someone else?"

"Oh, so just because it has a tag means it's brand new?" Sage sneered. "lan, if you wanted to make things right, perhaps you should've found out what I liked first! Otherwise, just do what you always do and ignore me altogether!”

lan ran out of patience in the face of her accusations and sarcasm. "Fine! Forget I ever gave you anything then! Who gives a damn about what you want anyway?" He then stormed out of the room. Sage was so furious that she threw the box into the trash can as well. She cursed lan inwardly. She couldn't believe he would give her something he had also bought for Ivy.

Did he seriously think she was that cheap? Did he think that she would treasure anything he gave her, even if it was crap?

Her anger grew with each passing moment. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore and kicked over the trash can. Out rolled the earrings, their diamonds gleaming in the light.

stomp on the earrings and flush them down the toilet. But she couldn't bring herself to do that when she looked at the exquisite workmanship and shimmering diamonds. Hence,

expensive, after all. It would be a waste to

it over, she decided to

lan, who was sitting in silence across from him in a café. "lan, please say something. I'm scared. I know I invited you out for lunch because I wanted you to help me out, and I worked hard on revising this

upset by his terrible proposal He discreetly patted his chest. "What did

"Earrings," lan answered coldly.

earrings? Was she upset because she didn't like

was upset?" lan could feel his anger bubbling up as he thought about it. He had tried to do something nice and

happened. I'm sure I can help you figure out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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