Sage was used to sleeping alone, so she wasn't comfortable sleeping beside lan. Plus, it was too late for lan to retire to the study.

Hence, she resorted to the age-old method of counting sheep to get herself to sleep. When she reached the 800th sheep, she was overcome with drowsiness and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Lost in the haze of sleep, she felt herself surrounded by warmth. The oppressive cold from the air conditioner penetrated every corner of the room. However, the warmth enveloping her was immensely comforting, causing her to lean back unconsciously.

However, she soon noticed that she was leaning against something stiff and hard. Before she could figure out what it was, she suddenly felt a warm sensation on the nape of her neck. It felt like something was gently sucking on her.

Sage tried to move, but she was trapped. She struggled with all her might for a moment and then sat up. Looking around, she realized nothing was holding her down.

The room was shrouded in darkness, save for the soft glow of the rabbit-shaped crystal lamp. She was in the middle of the bed, and lan was lying next to her.

lan stirred as if he had been roused by her movements. He opened his eyes and asked hoarsely, "What's wrong?"

something was amiss. She eyed lan suspiciously and asked, "How did we end

sleep, she distinctly remembered covering herself

cold and crawled in yourself."

annoyed at being disturbed. Did she really crawl into lan's blanket?

she would gravitate toward warmth since she was cold. Sage decided not to dwell on it. She cranked up the heat and covered herself with her own blanket again. To keep her distance from lan, she added more blankets to the bed and slept on

it anymore. He threw off the covers and got out of bed just minutes


probably because he was annoyed

brooded. Sage couldn't be bothered with his

she woke up the next day. He

bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. There, she noticed another red mark on the back of her neck, which looked similar

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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