"What are you worried about, then?" Linda asked knowingly. “I'm assuming you still haven't changed your mind about divorcing lan?" Sage didn't answer her question. Instead, she apologized. “I'm sorry, Grandma. I didn't realize Uncle Owen and Aunt Susan would go and bother you last time. I must've caused you a lot of distress, didn't 1?" Linda let out a soft sigh when she heard that. "I wasn't bothered by their visit. However, I wished what they said was true—that you wouldn't divorce lan."

Sage fell silent because that was something she couldn't do.

Of course, Linda understood what her silence meant. "Sage, you promised you wouldn't bring up divorce before my birthday, but you still got your hands on the divorce agreement. Did lan do something to upset you again?"

Linda continued, "I've been waiting for you to confide in me, but you haven't called me until now."

Sage used to complain to Linda quite frequently, which caused her a great deal of trouble. Sage apologized again. "This has nothing to do with lan, Grandma. I insisted that he sign it first. I heard you even scolded him. But the truth is, you should have scolded me instead.” Linda chuckled. "Oh, Sage, just look at you. You're still standing up for lan. Be honest with me, did you decide to have lan sign the divorce agreement early because of what happened with Ivy at the party last time?"

been tech-savvy, but that didn't

She and lan are just acquaintances. There's absolutely nothing going on between them. Shall I go talk to her

last time. Besides, lan didn't do anything wrong. Those reports were just made up to grab attention. Please don't talk

instructions. However, lan

not only rejected Ivy's resignation but even proposed that she join the Holcomb Corporation's board of directors. No one could force her to leave once she joined the

Holcomb Manor and forced him to rescind his decision and dismiss Ivy. lan, however,

didn't want Linda to fall ill from anger again. "Grandma, I'm the one who wants to get a

become so tolerant, my dear?" Linda seemed displeased. "That woman looks like she's up to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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