Come home? As if Solaris Estate were her real home. Sage sneered inwardly in response to lan's pointless questions and left without saying a word.

Wanda hurried out of the kitchen and called out, "Mrs. Holcomb, where are you going? You haven't had breakfast yet!"

“I'm in a rush, so I'm skipping it," Sage said before walking out the door. Her shoulder wasn't fully healed yet, and her left hand was injured, so driving wasn't an option. Sage pulled out her phone to book a ride instead.

To her surprise, lan came out and said, "I'll take you to your grandfather's place.”


“I'l pay him a visit and bring him some things as well," lan interjected with a reason she couldn't refuse.

Terry brought out several boxes of expensive supplement gift sets, while Wanda brought her two lunch boxes. "Mrs. Holcomb,

accepted Wanda's lunch boxes, hopped into the backseat, and let Terry load the gifts and her suitcase into

pin-drop silent in the car, and the atmosphere was a little eerie. The driver was focused on the road, so he could remain silent. Terry, on the other hand, had nothing to do. He regretted hopping into the car. After

he just load the truck and find an excuse to leave? Now, he was stuck

to start a conversation. His boss seemed to be lost in thought as well. He had no choice but to break the silence. Hence, he reminded Sage, "Mrs. Holcomb, your breakfast will get cold if you don't eat

anemic?" lan chided. Terry breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his boss had finally spoken. “That's right, Mrs. Holcomb. Mr. Holcomb specifically asked Wanda to prepare these pastries for you. Please have some," he

wrong thing. Terry hastily zipped his mouth. He decided to let them handle their own conflicts. After all, he couldn't help them. His boss would glare at him if he said too much. "It's so difficult to be a man. It was

so he held himself back and didn't attempt to persuade her any further. Instead, he asked, "Why are you suddenly accompanying your grandfather out of town?" Sage responded apathetically, "Grandpa's getting old. I don't feel comfortable

long will you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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