Chapter Forty The conversation with my parents hadn’t really ended up being much of a conversation. There wasn’t much they could do when the Alpha was personally ordering it. My father did give me a look of concern though, which I reciprocated with a nod of encouragement. I didn‘t like it either, but I’d told myself I was going to be okay. Within the week, I was packed and waiting outside for when my lift would arrive. I had been told to be ready by six in the morning because it would take all day to arrive at the Golden Blade pack. I wasn’t looking forward to the long drive but I was outside waiting in the cold moming nonetheless.

Finally, a black car pulled up and I opened the boot, throwing my suitcase in. Normally someone would have come out to do it for me, but it wasn’t exactly like I needed anyone to do i t. I was perfectly capable of doing it… it was just odd.

I walked over to get in but, when I went to sit in the back seat, suddenly the door to the passenger side opened from the inside. I peered in slowly and saw Aleric leaning over to unlock it from the driver’s seat. “Morning,” he said groggily as he straightened back up again “...Good morning.” I was surprised to see him in the same car as me, let alone driving it. He looked tired, as if he didn‘t like having to be up so early, and was dressed in comfortable clothes. His wavy black hair was even curlier in places than normal, not having been brushed a t all today. It was the first time seeing him looking so dishevelled yet casual.

“…Where are the warriors?” I asked. I thought for sure they would be the ones driving us.

“They’re taking a car behind us. Get in.” 

I didn’t question it further and followed his instruction, sitting in the seat next to him. I didn’t know what to do though, and so I ended up staring ahead awkwardly as he began driving. It was a silent drive, neither of us having said anything since I’d sat down, and I wondered about what I could do.

My eyes then spotted the music console and I naturally reached out to turn it on, thinking music would break the awkward air. But right as I was about to touch it, I thought better of the idea. I didn’t want to annoy him so early in the day if he didn’t want to listen to anything. Especially when he looked so tired. I put my hand back into my lap and decided to just stare out the window instead. Ten seconds later though, the music was suddenly playing. I quickly looked over and saw Aleric adjusting the settings, looking for something to listen to. “Anything in particular?” he asked. I stared at him in surprise.“...No.” 

years old 

He ended up playing some random song I‘d never heard before but it really made me wonder. I realised I’d never gotten to know Aleric’s interests in the past. What he had liked, what he’d enjoyed doing. Everything had always been about the pack with us or nothing at all. The rest of the drive was spent listening to different songs, only small talk very occasionally. And by the time we finally arrived, I was thoroughly exhausted from the long journey. We both got out of the car in zombie-like states and stretched. Already, the sun was going down and I wondered how Aleric had managed to make the whole trip with only minimal breaks along the way.

A representative greeted us not long after our car drove in and escorted us to the lodgings we would be staying in. Luckily the housing looked to be close by to the main meeting hall so we wouldn’t need to worry about driving anywhere tomorrow. And so, both being exhausted, we said our goodnights and quickly went to sleep in our separate rooms. The next day, the negotiations began. Much to my dismay, and humiliation, the Golden Blade insisted that I get my mark reconfirmed by their own pack Elders. I had to remind myself that I was acting as an ambassador today just so I didn‘t cause a scene in front of them all. 

I ended up conceding on the condition that it would be done by their sole female Elder to which they agreed. It was a much quicker process than last time and I attributed it to their lack of resources compared to the Winter Mist. The Elder was using a book that looked to have barely any details, and it really made me appreciate and miss Elder Luke’s amazing study. I reminded myself to go back one day and beg until he allowed me to read everything his study had to offer.

With the confirmation out of the way, the hard part began. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t convincing them of my legitimacy that was hard, but it was the fact that none of them wanted to deal directly with a fifteen year old. Which was fair, all things considered. “Listen to me,” I stressed through my clenched jaw for the hundredth time that day. “You‘re clearly getting a good deal here. To associate yourself with our pack, plus the added trade benefits, your economy is obviously going to be getting the most value out of this.” 

them spoke up. I think it was their Beta but couldn‘t recall his

just jump across the table and rip his throat out, but I didn‘t think that would be an effective negotiation tactic. Behind me, Aleric had been sitting back in his chair, watching the entire thing take place. I could tell he was just as unhappy

conquering an entire country, but sure,

I snapped. Fed up with the entire process that had already taken us

stare at me. “Either take the fucking deal or I swear, by the Goddess who lives in me, that I will personally smite every single one of you. You’ve all shown an extreme lack of professionalism here today and I am at the end of my rope showing you a courtesy sorely lacking towards myself.” It wasn’t like I had any God

an important meeting?” he spat out, flustering over his words. “Reel her in right now if you have even a shred of

switch go off in Aleric‘s head, and I mentally shied away, recognising the look that came over his face. If they thought that I was bad, they had no idea who they were actually dealing with. He didn’t even have to stand up, he merely leaned forward in his chair closer. But it was enough. It was enough for everyone in their entire council to instantly flinch backwards,

I saw it.


in a council room, attempting to force


in a cold voice. That one word was enough to make a shiver go down my spine and it wasn’t even directed at me. “I think you‘ll find the terms set by our pack’s Beta heir here today are actually incredibly reasonable. She has given you a very fair deal in my opinion and I believe we have also allowed you

all of their eyes. They

continued, his voice becoming dangerously low.” Then I can assure you that if our Saintess here doesn’t smite you, that I, personally, will

was safe to say we came to an agreement very

Scanned with CamScanner 

still upset. Furious even. We had both stooped so low in something


others, watching over everyone as they completed the last bits of

confused. “What’s wrong?” “What’s wrong?” I hissed. “What’s wrong?! What


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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