Chapter Sixty–Tw

I paced nervously around the communal waiting, located area just outside the meeting hall. Every step in unison with the seconds that ticked by on the clock on the wall, my breathing and heart racing so loud it was only increasing my anxiety. 

The meeting was planned, everything was ready. All that was left was Aleric. Any minute now he would be walking through that door with the news that would decide my fate. How strange that once again I would be finding myself tempting death in the hands of Aleric; though now relying on him as my saviour, not my executioner. Though I had to admit, I would be lying if I didn‘t acknowledge that he had been doing that very thing anyway these last few months. 

But no, I wouldn‘t be killed. I had to believe in Tytus‘ own thirst for power should the worst–case scenario come to play. I had to believe that my value outweighed my death... at least for now. 

Around me were several other people. I could see a few Elders that arrived early were convening to the side, quietly chatting, however it was the faces of many unranked individuals that I noticed the most. They were the men and women who had heard the news that war was potentially before us, the very people who would be laying their lives on the line for us. And yet the administrative assistant was unable t o tell them anything. They were unranked, their status not high enough to have input in the very thing that would potentially kill them… kill their family, their friends… their children. 

They weren‘t deemed important enough. 

“This is insane! We have a right to know!” a man shouted. 

“Yeah!” a few yelled around him. 

The tensions had been rising in the room for several minutes now but I could see the nervousness in the administrative assistant‘s face. The group of individuals were slowly becoming a crowd as many more gathered around from outside to find answers. 

They were scared. Who could blame them? I would be too if it was my life being used as fodder on the front line because of decisions made higher up; because of decisions I‘d have no say in. But fear makes people do dumb, insane things... things like launching yourself at the admin assistant who genuinely didn‘t know anything. Who was probably just as scared as the group gathering around them. 

The man grabbed the assistant‘s shirt, bringing their face up to eye level. 

“Tell us what is really happening!” he yelled again. 

“I–I don‘t have that i–information. I just work at the f–front desk,” they stammered out. 

The crowd wasn’t pleased with this reply. Grumbles and jeering were voiced throughout the people as they were now at a loss of where to look next. 

How had Aleric dealt with this in the past? Was it because they feared him more when he became Alpha than they feared the enemy waiting for them? Or did they respect him, knowing that his ability to lead and his prowess in battle were enough to inspire? I couldn‘t recall a single situation like this ever having happened in the past under his command. 

But immediately, the discrepancy in the timelines was explained, answering the question in my mind. 

“For a year now you have controlled us, forced us into strict safety protocols with the fear of being killed b y rogues. For Goddess‘ sake, some girl was killed in the park just down the road from town. Now you expect us to go to war! We haven‘t even been allowed to freely live our lives again yet and now you expect us to hand them over to you.” 

“H–1 can‘t help you. The orders for those protocols came from the Elders. They are the ones who create the template and present it for implementation. I just relay information based on those templates provided.” 

Silence hung in the air as the crowd took that information in slowly. Not because it was difficult to understand, but because there were Elders present. Elders who were now increasingly becoming painfully aware of what was happening around them. I saw as their faces transitioned to ones of people worried for their own safety. They were very clearly outnumbered; their positions always having been safe out of respect, rather than them holding any true authority to command others in the way that ranked members d 0

“You!” the man yelled out to them. 

He seemed to be the one leading this charge. So much anger inside him and yet so incredibly stupid what he was doing. He‘d already laid a hand on the admin assistant. It shouldn‘t have been that difficult to realise that he was going to be punished severely for this, not to mention the repercussions if he didn‘t stop now. Attacking the Elders would be a death sentence. 

And then I saw it. That glimpse in his eye of no longer caring, darkening as his wolf came forward. He was really going to attack. 

He took two steps forward, his body poised and then 

“Enough!” I yelled out to him, layering my voice thick with what Beta heir authority I had. 

It wasn‘t dangerous for me to use this tone as it was my own natural one, not derived from my marking. It was enough to command the unranked in this circumstance, 

The man stopped, frozen in place from my order, and turned his face to look at me. His eyes were dark and wild, his wolf on the verge of emerging. He really was about to give up his life for this, I could see clearly how serious he was. 

had gone silent, my voice having brought utter quiet to everyone in the area. They were too scared to move, too worried I

tired, I know you are scared. We all

and yet have the audacity to say that,” he

crowd shuffled uncomfortably. I could feel they all agreed but didn‘t

people I love, people I fight for. And when it comes to war, even the ranked members are there fighting with you. Hell, it might very well be my father who doesn‘t return next time. I, too, would grieve just as you would

of death, child,” he sneered. “Your family is all alive and well. I had to watch my father go to war when

coming from. From his perspective, I could see how it might seem that way. Normal people weren‘t reincarnated


tastefully mentioned before during your outburst was my best friend. An unranked girl, a seemingly unimportant one in the grand scheme of this hierarchy. And she was murdered, her body left for me to find. But she is not ‘some girl‘ as you so nicely phrased... and you

of guilt cross his face as he calmed down,

“She loved books and shopping... and she genuinely cared for every person she met. But, most importantly, she was loved... loved by me,

entire crowd, raising my

Every single one of us will become the same when we die on that field, our blood nourishment for the ground, our souls with the Goddess. So I can only hope that, should the day come that you‘re asked to lay down your lives for this pack, that the reason will be to protect the people you love. That we love. We are one pack, one family. We will

faces as they tried to interpret what I was

will be no war with the Silver Lake pack announced today,” I declared. “...I give

no one moved. They all looked at

woman pushing her way to

said; kneeling

I had wanted or asked for. If anything this


as another person came forward, addressing me also as Saintess before they, too, were kneeling beside the woman. And then another... and another… and another. And soon the entire crowd of unranked were kneeling before me.

I begged desperately. “There‘s no need for

would be accompanied by thoughts that were not in my

is within your presence, guided by our Great Mother, that we must ask

“No, plea–” 

be our Saintess,” the crowd began to echo

once more to stand but suddenly I could feel the sensation of eyes burning into me, different from the people already here.

stood, watching as the people knelt

though, walking across the room towards where the meeting hall was instead,


your families in peace,” I awkwardly said to the crowd, hoping it sounded devout enough for them to be finally satisfied

Chapas Saly Twa 

spun on my heel without another word and walked off in the direction I saw Aleric go. I

whispering to myself while I walked

times worse, only second to if Tytus himself had seen. I couldn‘t do anything though, the people didn‘t listen to me when I‘d asked them to stand. I didn‘t

down a hallway in the direction of the main meeting hall and finally found Aleric standing at the end, his face completely unreadable. Somehow that was infinitely more disconcerting than if he was showing anger, irritation... anything.

me to enter, and I did so without complaint. It was a room

“I just tried to get them to

indicate I should

he said, his tone not betraying how he

clutching onto inside my chest instantly escaped me as it felt

didn‘t show up at the packhouse today,” he continued. “I was waiting there for over an hour. When h e didn‘t turn up

by to check

averting his eyes from me. “She‘s gone,

as I used

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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