A Life Debt Repaid

A Life Debt Repaid By Cheng Xiaocheng Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Mandy suddenly had an idea. “Maybe she slipped in?”

Noel realized with a start-it was certainly a possibility.

Before the two of them could react, they saw Kyle heading straight toward Cordy

As for Cordy, she felt countless stares at her as she entered the banquet hall, but she remained calm and composed until she saw Kyle

“What are you doing here?” he asked quietly.

“I don’t think you have a right to ask that,” Cordy asked. “This event is organized by the Levines, not your family”

“The Sachs didn’t bring you here, and Starstream Group would never receive an invitation. How did you get in?”

“So, you’re doubting me?”

“It’s embarrassing if you’re caught sneaking into a private banquet, Cordy!” Kyle snapped viciously.

in and made a kind look. “Whatever- just stay with me, and I’ll tell anyone who asked that I brought you in. To the public,

spoke, he reached

she avoided him

is for

help,” Cordy said, refusing him icily. “Let’s keep to

he looked on, his face contorting in rage in her

dazzling gown that accentuated her perfect figure and left her beautiful beyond

stand it,” Mandy growled as she saw the exchange

about her!”

already broken up, but Kyle still could not let go of

about to let Cordy take him

Noel whispered into the other woman’s ear then. “Cordy sneaked in,

plan and she

to the entrance

the banquet hall, taking sips from a glass of champagne

highly civilized banquet with

all rich and powerful, and she had seen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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