A Life Debt Repaid

A Life Debt Repaid By Cheng Xiaocheng Chapter 111

ue and Noel were watching Plum abuse Cordy with irrepressible delight.

Noel’s gloom was also slightly relieved in turn–so what if Cordy won that press conference? Plum was now tearing her a new one!

Nonetheless, Cordy spoke with calm apathy. “Everyone knows how the Sachs gained their

success. Naturally, I won’t argue with you, because I’d be preaching to deaf ears, discussing such advanced stuff to a housewife who knows nothing about the world. I’d just be wasting my breath.”

The contempt in her tone left Plum’s eyes turning red and she raised her hand again, intending on slapping Cordy again.

This time, however, Cordy caught her hand.

In the end, no one was obliged to keep being beaten up.

One slap was enough for Cordy to give Plum a lesson to remember.

“Let me go, Cordy Sachs! You b*tch!” Plum spat angrily. “You’re not setting foot in my house ever again–there’s no place for a b*tch like you! You are a disgrace to our family’s good name!”

Cordy firmly flung Plum’s hand away in response and told her icily, “I’d never put a single foot in your house, but I’ll take everything you have that rightfully belongs to me.”

right?! Your insolence really knows no bounds!”

won’t argue with you here about what gives me the right. You’ll never get

“Cordy Sachs…!

I’ll just teach you the price

Cordy Sachs! Do you think I will be cowed! I’ll have you know, you’re

when they all heard a knock on the door, and several uniformed police officers entered. “Who here reported the physical assault?”

“I did,” Cordy replied.

glared viciously at Cordy, the officer asked, “What

hit me. I’m deaf in the

just a family dispute, sorry you made the trip for nothing, Plum quickly said while taking a stack of dollar bills

then. “Save it! We are here to

smiled awkwardly. “O–Of course. I understand

officer simply ignored her and turned to Cordy. “Do you have evidence to back up your

cameras here in my office,” Cordy replied. “I’ll have the security team send the footage right away. Also, should I

examination, and my colleagues would take it from there,” the officer said, and turned back

was really

law, and we’re enforcing it!” the officer

Plum’s face was ashen.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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