A Life Debt Repaid

A Life Debt Repaid By Cheng Xiaocheng Chapter 120

Chapter 120

“Hello, Ms. Sachs. Your reputation precedes you, though you’re even more beautiful than when you appeared at the press conference.” Sam praised her earnestly.

“You flatter me.” Cordy smiled. “You’re quite handsome too.”

Sam smiled smugly and shot John a provoking look, but John ignored it.

Pulling out a chair for Cordy, John said, “I knew them since I was a boy since our families were close. That said, I spent more time abroad and rarely came back. This is the first time I’m celebrating my birthday in North City, so they wanted to join me.”

In other words, he wanted to celebrate it with her alone, but they insisted on tagging alone.

“Anyway, just be at ease. Don’t mind them,” John then added quietly, clearly taking her feelings into consideration.

Cordy nodded.

It was his birthday, and naturally what he said went.

if she would have a chance to say

and a familiar female voice

without me? You’re all

carrying a bouquet of flowers

would dare start without the queen of showbiz, right?” Bob

grinned and walked straight to John, giving him a

looking at the bouquet with disdain. “That’s what you got me after asking everyone

each flower and wrapped it myself. It’s a bouquet like no other, just the way I

at a film

glare. “This is between me and him. You shut your filthy

shrugged nonchalantly, already perfectly accustomed to the sibling

Birkin for your birthday and I only get flowers from you. Your

giving him a wounded look. “And you have the money to get anything you want anyway. How could you swindle a little actress like me who lives paycheck to

not wanting to waste his breath. “And don’t put on such strong perfume next

even as she left John’s side. “It’s an expensive antique. I wouldn’t have used it for myself even if I wanted to, and I was almost crying when I did it for your birthday. Do you

she sat beside Cordy as if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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