Chapter 215 None Are Escaping

“How dare you?”

Tommy likewise saw red at the sight of Jared’s present condition, and he punched Falcon without hesitation.

At that moment, he no longer cared whether he was the man’s match.


Snorting, Falcon shot his leg out, sending Tommy flying out of the room.

Walter, William, and the others shot daggers at him, but none of them dared to make a move.


Clocking their fear, Falcon cackled maniacally. No one here is my match! I’m supreme and invincible!

“Master Erasmus, the frosty energy within Renee has been absorbed by that brat, but her constituent remains the same. Before long, frosty energy will once again accumulate in her body. I’m the only person who can cure her completely! My constituent is the polar opposite of hers, so as long as she marries me, we’ll complement each other, and she’ll be fine!” he declared, looking right at Erasmus.

“In your dreams!”

him hotly. How shameless! He had just flirted with Josephine a while ago, yet he’s demanding that Renee marry him now! He

give your agreement, don’t blame me for

saying that, Falcon reached out


on Erasmus’ face, and


match, so he suffered a grievous injury at that blow, blood

cried out, swinging the cane

that, Erasmus teamed up with him and attacked Falcon in concert despite the agony

against one, but Falcon wasn’t at all afraid. Instead,

planning to sacrifice his life to delay the man so that his daughter could


looked at the severely-injured man, tears poured down her face like

“Quick, let’s go, Renee!”

hand and took off. It wasn’t because he was afraid of death, but an ordinary person with no knowledge of martial arts

tugged at Josephine as well. “Let’s leave quickly,

bring Jared along!”

want to escape by myself and abandon

Bang! Bang!

and Erasmus flying. In a trice, the man blocked the door and regarded the few of them scornfully. “None of you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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