Chapter 241 A Man Like None Other

“Of course, I did. I am not a fool. But I only peeped through the red cloth so that the ginseng wouldn’t escape,” Frederick immediately explained.

His response only served to convince Jared and Josephine that he was cheated. Even William kept shaking his head, displaying a resigned smile.

Frederick was born in a well-to-do family and had never been in the real world, so he was still naive. After all, no one would dare to offend the mayor’s son. Thus, he had no idea how cruel society could be.

That Audi outside the Sullivan residence alone would deter everyone from getting near him. In Horington, People would run away from him no matter where he drove that car.

“I believe that you are not lying. I mean it!” Jared’s tone turned serious suddenly.

Just as Frederick was staring at him confusedly, Jared laughed again. “But I don’t trust the farmer who sold you this. Maybe he cheated you.”

At that, Frederick shot him a glare. I knew it! He still doesn’t believe me!

“I will prove it to you right now! Let’s see whether it is authentic ginseng or not!”

In a panic, Frederick took the box and undid the cord.

opening the box, he froze on the spot. It turned out there was merely a


Josephine burst into a peal of laughter. She was laughing so hard that

not hold

million for a few

dare he cheat me? I swear I will find him and sue him.

laughing at him, Frederick exploded with rage and smashed the box on

name? And where does he live? How are you going to find him? That’s Yeringham, not Horington. Your father has

speechless, and he flushed angrily. Unfortunately, he could not retort as Jared was

all right. Take it as a lesson learned, then. We all make mistakes in

tried to defuse the tense moment and save Frederick

into a fight. After

ginseng roots at home. Those are all authentic. I’ll have

his foolishness, Frederick was eager to make up for

for that. I appreciate your goodwill!” William hastened

to his car. While whispering to his chauffeur, he glanced at Jared occasionally. In the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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