Chapter 344 Responsibility

“Jared?” Lizbeth gasped in shock. “He’s your boyfriend?”

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Josephine questioned after seeing the look on Lizbeth’s face.

“Lizbeth, this is Mr. Chance. He’s the person you asked me to call, so now you’ve met him!” Walter suddenly strode over and smiled.

“Grandpa, why didn’t you tell me Jared is Josephine’s boyfriend?” Lizbeth frowned and grumbled.

“Well, you didn’t ask! Besides, I had no idea if they had gone official. I wouldn’t want to jump to conclusions, you know!” Walter answered helplessly before asking, “How do you know Ms. Sullivan?”

“Grandpa, I went to the same university as Josephine! Of course, I know her.”

This time around, it was Josephine’s turn to discover a baffling fact. “Lizbeth, Mr. Grange is your grandpa? Why didn’t you mention that when we were in university?”

then, Walter was a renowned government official in Summerbank. It was safe to assume that a grandchild of such a prominent individual

family background because I want to rely

a strong-headed girl! She never wanted to rely on others to get what she wants.” Walter’s heart was aching for

the youngsters are still relying on their parents to

see how good I’m doing, although I don’t rely on anyone

Who knows? Maybe one day you can even take his place!” Walter laughed

the others went to their seats. Lizbeth couldn’t help but keep sizing Jared up. While doing that, she looked like

over to him. It seemed like he had some people he wanted

apologetically, “Excuse me,

Go on!”

table, he finally asked, “Ms. Grange, I suppose

taken aback, she questioned, “Are you

Jared answered without

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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