Chapter 32,A Man Like None Other

“Scarface, get rid of the crowd. There’s nothing to see here,” Tommy instructed. “Shoo! Go away, all of you. What’s there to see here? Whoever forcibly buys or sells something the next time, this will be the consequence!” Scarface roared at the crowd, causing everyone to scatter. “Mr. Chance, are you looking for anything in particular? There’s nothing really interesting here at the stalls. The truly good stuff is inside!” Tommy explained.


“I would like to buy a spiritual brush and cinnabar rosary. Do you have them here?” Jared asked. Tommy was baffled as he didn’t know what the spiritual brush Jared was talking about was. Also, cinnabar rosaries could be found everywhere. Despite that, he didn’t dare clarify. Instead, he respectfully replied, “Mr. Chance, I’ll take you to a couple of antique shops where you can check if they have what you need.

To be honest, I don’t really know much about this stuff either.” “Sure, lead the way!” Jared nodded. With Tommy personally guiding Jared, the antique shop owners brought out their best wares. Unfortunately, none of them was what Jared was looking for. By then, Tommy was at the end of his wits.

has to offer. Since you haven’t found what you need, do you want me to send my men to check other places?” “It’s fine. This search boils down to luck.

was looking for, there was no reason for him to stay any longer. Just when he was about to go, something occurred

ordered his men to prepare the car and invited Jared to get in. On the way there, Tommy began to explain. The man he was taking Tommy to see was called Walter Grange. He was a high-ranking state government official who had retired. For his retirement, he built a villa on a beautiful plot of land in Horington to

In fact, Antique Street paled in comparison to his home. Meanwhile, Jared was surprised to hear that someone as influential as Walter was living out his retirement in the small city of Horington. If he was still an ordinary person

in front of a classical-looking villa. A servant ran over and spoke to Tommy softly before returning inside. Shortly after, an old man with a white beard walked out with the help of his walking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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