-With a swift swing of his sword, Jared unleashed a terrifying blade light, coupled with demonic fire, instantly decapitating a demon beast.

The head tumbled to the ground, and the polar stone it had been holding in its mouth fell out.

Jared waved his hand, and the polar stone found its way into his grasp.

The polar stone was chilling to the touch, carrying a faint electric current, which should be the effect of the magnetic field.

Upon witnessing the death of their companion, the rest of the demon beasts went into a frenzy and charged toward Jared relentlessly.

However, it was all in vain. The demon beasts that rushed toward Jared all met their end under his sword.

The polar stones from their mouths all started to fall, which Jared promptly picked up.

Several demon beasts had been present, but in the end, only one remained. It stared at Jared in terror, too frightened to launch another attack.

The demon beast slowly lowered its body, showing signs of submission. It even spat out the precious polar stone it had been holding in its mouth willingly.

and picked up the polar stone. Casually, he

remained completely still, showing an exceptional

only absolute obedience and submission could ensure

seems that this demon

docile demon beast, then turned his attention to the ones that had perished. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of profound

no grudge against these demon beasts. His only

way of the Ethereal Realm, where individuals, driven by resources and benefits, could easily disregard familial ties, not to mention the relationship between humans

no everlasting friendships, only everlasting

but after only

polar stones and use them for their cultivation, Jared could use them to find the polar

ride on this demon

so finding a mount could be

advancing once more toward the demon beast. Fear was clearly etched in the demon

I’ll set you free. I’ll even give you some for your

body was covered in soft, fluffy fur, giving off a warm

traveling a distance with the demon beast, Jared noticed a reaction

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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