A Moment in Destiny

Chapter 136 A Sleepless Night

With a cigarette between his fingers, he took one puff and then another.

He stood there all night, waiting.

He wanted to go inside and explain however he didn’t know what to say. He was angry that he was always unconsciously hurting Sherry, angry about his own carelessness and angry that he was also causing her such pain. Why did he secretly make up his mind to give her happiness, yet be failing to give her the happiness he said he would give her?

She really must be upset!

Outside the alley.

Celia let out a quiet sigh, when she left last night she had seen William’s car however chose to ignore him. When she came this morning and noticed he was still here, she saw the back of him, frowned and then walked over.

“William, you’ve been here the whole night? Standing here like some door guard?”

As he suddenly turned around and saw Celia he immediately felt awkward, and for the first time he was so embarrassed that he didn’t know what to say.

Celia was startled, a little surprised. “You really have been here the whole night?”

William made a noise as if to confirm this and then took another puff of his cigarette.

“William, why haven’t you gone inside? Since you have something you want to say, then what is stopping you from going inside?” Celia’s gaze fell onto William’s face.

He looked stiff, and remained silent.

“When will this having two lovers at the same time come to end?” Celia continued to ask, “Today I just want to ask you, Sherry or Lucy, who have you decided to choose?”

William took another puff of the cigarette; he had been thinking all night long however he still didn’t know what to do. The way that things were right now, really must be hurting Sherry so much!

As he thought of how Sherry smiled yesterday, he only felt a knife plunging deeper into his heart, so painful that he couldn’t breathe anymore. He knew that he really needed to make a decision.

“I just want Sherry!” His tone was firm and resolute. “And this decision has not been changed just because it’s you who is asking!”

“Then let go of Lucille, whether she is alive or dead has nothing to do with you!” Celia’s personality was a lot different to Sherry’s, for she would never let herself suffer such pain, nor would she let her friend suffer. “Sherry is not alone and without support, you didn’t want to bully her, however she had to endure much although it was painful for her. I don’t know what happened between you two but yesterday Sherry was feeling so helpless.”

William’s body trembled, his heart cut like a knife. "I know!"

“You know you have hurt her? Don’t you know that right now she is even unable to be angry? Her body…”

“What’s wrong with her body?” William immediately began to feel anxious.

After Celia said this she suddenly thought about last night how Sherry begged her not to tell anyone about her pregnancy. Celia swallowed back her words and eased her tone as she then said, “She’s fine, it’s just she’s so frail that being angry would not be good for her body!”

William breathed a sigh of relief; he really thought that something was wrong with Sherry!

Rowland Group, a man who in the past was so all powerful. When she saw him

want her to

me yesterday that she wants to cry but is unable to, when she feels like crying no tears come out. Have you experienced this kind feeling before? If you know that you always want to cry but are unable to then this kind of happiness that you are supposed to be giving her

I will do it! I definitely will find a solution. I’m sorry, I need to go!” William suddenly

as he left, muttering to herself, ‘This really is an ill-fated relationship, standing here all night; even if he said he didn’t love Sherry I wouldn’t believe it! However

turned her head,

bag and had just walked out. When she saw the back of William’s

here all

many discarded cigarettes, her gaze then fell upon in total three

she hadn’t received a phone call from him. She was feeling so disappointed last night, but once she saw all these

are you

said this, all the feelings of pain and disappointments that she had felt during the night suddenly disappeared; it seemed this was

even I could see he loves you! But aren’t you a little too easily satisfied? Make him suffer a little, ignore him, let him sort out everything with Lucille first, and until he has done this then keep on ignoring him!” Celia rolled her eyes, “What happened with you two? But in any case no matter what he

shook her head, “It’s ok, but perhaps I

what you’re

he really here

you happy! Seeing him at such a loss, I really didn’t know how I should get justice for you, since this man really seemed to be a fool when it came to emotions!


now realized that this phrase really

Sherry was dumbfounded, “Perhaps!”

if he didn’t love her, wasn’t at such a loss, then how was it possible that he was here smoking, yet didn’t dare to

she would have

see clearly. The past was the past, and no matter what the choice

At the Rowland Group.

so early in the morning?” Liam asked as soon as he walked in,

MH residence to Lucille, and from now on I won’t be going there

for a moment and then nodded

go get the lawyer, help me change the name of the ownership to Lucille, which is just something to give her some compensation, then deliver it to Darcy! Also, contact the hotel and tell them

was speechless, “You want to get married! With

Sherry then who?” William raised his eyebrows, why would he doubt his decision

smiled but was also a little shocked. “Will, I really never expected that you would make such a

something else for me!” William thought for

“Tell me!”

feel better as quickly as possible! For the sake of Sherry, I never want to

nodded his head assured, “I know!

documents, and after he finished he returned to the Rowlands' old residence, as soon as he walked through the door he said to John, “I want to get married, the

and then

William firmly emphasized her

wedding for next week, I will have someone organize it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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